View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] EPG Standby

22-02-12, 11:13
I have set auto update EPG at 0400 every 24 hrs. The box is in standby when this occurs. After the updated EPG is loaded I notice the box is left on and showing channel 0 (my panic setting).
I have disabled the auto update EPG and the box doesn't get left on, so I guess this problem is related to the auto EPG setting (!)
This appears to have happened after I flashed with 2.3 build 204.
I do remember there was the same problem some time ago and a way round it but I can't remember what it was. Can't find it 'fix' on the forum.
Anyone know how to fix this please.

22-02-12, 12:24
Please post your exact epg settings and epg sources selected.

22-02-12, 21:42
Sorry if I posted in the wrong section.

As requested

Exact EPG Settings

EPG Location /media/hdd/
EPG File name epg
Refresh every (in hours) 24
Show EIT Now/Next in infobar yes
Enable EIT EPG Yes
Enable MHW EPG No
Enable Freesat EPG Yes
Enable Viasat EPG Yes
Enable Netmed EPG Yes

EPG sources selected
Devilcosta Nova English XMLTV
Rytec Erotic XMLTV
" Greece Englisg XMLTV
" Greece XMLTV
" Hungary XMLTV
" Italy XCMLTV
" Poland XMLTV
" Portugal XMLTV
" Spain XMLTV
" Turkey XMLTV

Open TV Providers
Sky Italia OpenTV (Hotbirtd on 13.0E)
Sky UK OpenTV (Astra2 28.2E)

Thanks for your help.

Rob van der Does
23-02-12, 07:03
Which box are you using?
You seem to be loading an enormous amount of EPG-data. This can easily be to much for the amount of memory available, especially if you have a DUO or Solo. If the box runs indeed out of memory, the system will restart, resulting in the box to be 'On'.
A debug log might reveal what is actually happening, but I'm pretty sure that you are asking too much.

23-02-12, 11:42
The box is VU+Duo and the epg is located on the hard disk.
I'll do some tests by reducing the amount anyway.
Thanks for your interest.

Rob van der Does
23-02-12, 11:46
EPG is always in RAM. The file (on HDD or so) is only a storage for when the box is down.
Testing with a lesser amount of imports make only sense if you remove the epg.dat file first (because that still contains the complete EPG).
Before removing it, you should stop Enigma (telnet 'init 4'), after the removal you can start Enigma again (telnet 'init 3').

23-02-12, 15:56
I have a Vu+ duo with the latest Vix and I have exactly the same problem.

Anyone for help?


23-02-12, 15:58
OOps, sorry.
I ment I have the same problem with that after an EPG update the machine doesn't go back to standby.

Rob van der Does
23-02-12, 15:58
I have a Vu+ duo with the latest Vix and I have exactly the same problem.
LoL..... If it's indeed the same problem, you could try the same (possible) solution??

23-02-12, 18:00
Folks - thanks for your help with this issue.
I have done as 'Rob van der Does' suggested and also reduced the number of epg download requests. I have now successfully had a timed epg download from standby and the box remained in standby.
So, thanks again


28-02-12, 12:31
Hi, been away for a few days and I notice that my VU+Duo box EPG problem has returned (maybe it never really went away). I have only Sky UK OpenTV (Astra2 28.2E) now enabled for an auto update every 24 hours. From standby after an update the box is left working on its default 'panic' channel zero.
Would it help if I sent any logs to the software team? If so to whom should I send it.

Rob van der Does
28-02-12, 13:33
Yes please, do sent the debug logs. Best way is to let the box send them (see logmanager).

28-02-12, 15:57
OK will do
