View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] Frequent Crashes

21-02-12, 11:37
I have a Vu+ Ultimo with the latest software updates for VIX etc. I find the system crashes frequently, particularly when making frequent service changes. I have sent all the logs but as there is no feedback I am not even sure they have been read. Has anyone else had the same experience?

21-02-12, 11:41
moved to the correct section.

Please post an exact step by step how to re-produce the crash and please post the crashlogs here.

23-02-12, 13:33
Thanks. I have sent almost every log. the steps before crash are not identical but will try to record next time.

24-02-12, 22:10
I have now found a crash log which I will try to attach. At the time of the crash I was surfing the channels using my P+ button!


Hope the above has worked!!!!!!!! Still learning.
