View Full Version : My Vu Duo insists on reading USB at start..!

07-08-10, 13:12
I use vuplus-support image, i have an internal SATA HD, and wanted to create a swap file on USB to give my box a little more "brain" room, without having to "wake up" the HD ... put the USB stick in one of the back slots, did the manual process for swapfile creation (no plug-in for that on this image :( ) .. and there we go.

not sure where i went worng (if i did), but restarting the box, it insists on reading the USB stick and not starting from flash. so it gets stauck basically at starting up (Reading USB message).. i have to power off, remove the USB stick, power on, then it will restart ... tried couple of times, same thing.

is this normal? can't i just have a small swapfile on a regular USB stick, and be sure the Vu will start up normally? or is it some sort of a bug in this image?

thanks, P

07-08-10, 13:21
Not sure why you're getting that error at all. Are you sure you haven't got an updater on that usb stick, as it might be trying to read that updater and update your image... That's the only time I've ever had the box come up with a reading usb for a long period of time...

Check on the usb stick whether there is a folder called vuplus in the root of it. If so, either delete it, or move it to elsewhere (if you want to keep it)...

07-08-10, 13:24
Pooface: no .. USB stick just formatted o the PC before use... then formatted again on the box itself.. strange, right?

07-08-10, 14:07
Strange indeed...

Do you have a different brand of usb stick to test with. Using a different image at the mo, and using the same guide as what I'd posted to do the swap, and all working fine here...

08-08-10, 06:47
I had the same issue when I first got my Duo. Ended up using a different USB stick. Yet the same USB stick can stay connected in a Solo fine.