View Full Version : booting

17-02-12, 12:18
hi flashed blackhole 172 but now when i start up box it reads the usb stick at the back and wipes everything of it, if i take the stick out it boots normanally any ideas:confused:

17-02-12, 15:11
Have you left a folder called vuplus on the USB ?
If yes then you are just reinstalling a clean image each time you boot, easy fix is delete the folder.

17-02-12, 20:32
no its the usb stick at the back that i kept the picons on nothing else never had a vuplus file on it:eek:

18-02-12, 12:26
Hi mate

Sounds like its loading some data from your original backup data i would remove the usb and reformat it then insert and back up your new image.
