View Full Version : Can't startup after installing Nova-T

14-02-12, 23:45
After muddling around with trying to get a shared folder on my pc to show up on the Duo, I did a "restart" but the box hung on "Starting...". I left it off (hard-switch) overnight, but this morning it still wouldn't boot.

I reinstalled Vix (2.3GM and later -separately- 2.3.133).
This does fix the problem, in that I can setup the standard satt-channels...

but the problem happens again when I try to add the DTT usb (Nova-T)... In plugins, I select the driver "dvb-usb-dib0700 (1.0-r3)". It appears to install correctly, but at the end of the ream of install jargon there's an error -something like "module not found dvb-usb-dib0700".
(this flashes up at the bottom of the output, then disappears before I can read exactly what it says, but I think that's the gist of it)

If I check the list of available drivers to download at this point it is no longer there (so it is installed?).
If I check the list of drivers available for removal it's not there either (so it's not installed?).

I'm not sure if that is normal or not -I just describe it here because it seemed odd. I realise I need to reboot before it will show up as Tuner-C...

...So I reboot...

*This* is when I get back to the "Starting..." message. AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!

I've been at it all day, reinstalling, reconfiguring, etc. etc., but always gets back to "Starting..." as soon as I install the dib0700.
I even re-flashed with the most recent bootloader -v3.0- (something I also did prior to originally installing 2.3.x)... just in case.

As long as I don't install the dvb-usb-dib0700 I can use the Duo as normal -but I'm in Ireland and need this for Irish DTT. (It has all worked fine for the past 6 months or more).

Nothing else installed -no other usb sticks. No cams/ oscams.
The only thing I did before I did (last night) was try to add a network mount -unsuccessfully for some reason. I'm not sure if that's related, but it seems to me -from reading similar problems here since the last udpate- there might be an issue with the Nova-T driver.

All help/ suggestions gratefully received.

(while I'm at it, most people discussing Vix on boards.ie complain that DTT often crashes (blank-screen on DTT channels every few days -requiring reboot). It has been pretty stable for me personally for the past few months, although I don't use those channels as frequently as others.)

14-02-12, 23:52
As you have the latest bootloader flashed have you tried using the latest image 2.3.204 ?.
you can download this from the image manager on the receiver via a existing ViX 2.3 Image then transfer to USB to flash as normal.

15-02-12, 00:21
Thanks for the reply.
I thought I did have the latest image -but I've now updated via the image manager... selected the auto-install/ reboot option... and on reboot it went back to "Starting..." on the console.

It's like that now for the past 5 - 10 minutes. :(

15-02-12, 00:27
Thanks for the reply.
I thought I did have the latest image -but I've now updated via the image manager... selected the auto-install/ reboot option... and on reboot it went back to "Starting..." on the console.

It's like that now for the past 5 - 10 minutes. :(

Have you done all online updates before installing the driver?
I use the same stick on my DUO & SOLO both running latest VIX without any issues.

15-02-12, 00:34
I've used the same stick on my Duo for 6+ months without issue. Until last night it was running Vix 2.3 without issue.

The online update I did a while ago hung on "Starting..." even though I didn't install the Nova-T driver this time (the only thing I did this time was flash to 2.3.133 via usb, configure basic settings via the wizard, then go directly to image update.)

15-02-12, 00:37
I've used the same stick on my Duo for 6+ months without issue. Until last night it was running Vix 2.3 without issue.

The online update I did a while ago hung on "Starting..." even though I didn't install the Nova-T driver this time (the only thing I did this time was flash to 2.3.133 via usb, configure basic settings via the wizard, then go directly to image update.)

actually, that did happen to me too last week.
i reflashed with another USB stick & all went well.

15-02-12, 00:47
Huh? Are you sure?

The (usb) flashing works for me. It does boot after I flash to 2.3.133...?

(it's just what happens when I 'online-update' after that is the problem)

Maybe this issue isn't related to the Nova-T, but to online updates ...? ...Well the two online updates I've attempted (Nova-T and update on Vix) are the only things I've tried adding [over various attempts -seperately]. Both _did_ access the downloads, so it's not like it's not connecting to the server. /stumped. :/ ?

15-02-12, 01:00
If this happens when loading any image newer than 2.3.133 and the same for online updates it may point to the bootloader. Flash the newest bootloader again then load the 133 build image and use the image manager.
Blue button > ViX > image manager > yellow button. To download the newest public image which is currently build 204 then try flashing that one, but only if you are sure the bootloader has been flashed first.

15-02-12, 01:16
Huh? Are you sure?

The (usb) flashing works for me. It does boot after I flash to 2.3.133...?

(it's just what happens when I 'online-update' after that is the problem)

Maybe this issue isn't related to the Nova-T, but to online updates ...? ...Well the two online updates I've attempted (Nova-T and update on Vix) are the only things I've tried adding [over various attempts -seperately]. Both _did_ access the downloads, so it's not like it's not connecting to the server. /stumped. :/ ?

Yeah, sure.
But as pheonix said above, I also flashed the bootloader again first, sorry, forgot that.
It worked perfectly on the second flash (after bootloader flash) even though that had been done before, but I tried a different image inbetween.
Then did all online updates, then installed the driver.
Nova T working perfect on Irish channels for me now.

15-02-12, 13:44
No good for me I'm afraid. :(

Here's what I just did:

1. Installed bootloader (from file "duo_cfe_3_0_usb.zip") -it flashed & updated.
Removed usb. Switched off.

2. Installed Vix 2.3.133 from usb. (from file "ViX-2.3.133-vuduo_usb.zip")

This worked (as usual).

Now I went through the wizard, setting up Tuner A (only one input for now) and leaving B unconfigured. I didn't scan for channels.
Then I choose non-DHCP and put in the ip address I want (and it works). These are the _only_ changes made.

Immediately I go to "Software Update" in the Vix menu.
I select the 2nd option -Something like "Update and ask to reboot" (last time I did the 1st one -auto/ no gui).

The update process runs. Takes around 5 minutes possibly.
At the end it says "done -installed or upgraded 152 packages". Press OK to reboot.

I press OK... and it hangs once again on "Starting..."

That was 10 minutes ago. It's still on Starting. Yesterday I left it for a couple of hours to see if that makes a difference, but no.

Internal HD. The only thing connected (apart from network cable, hdmi & optical audio) is the Nova-T usb.

15-02-12, 17:43
In the absence of anything else to try I guess I'll go back to a previous Vix (2.2.1?) ...but can anyone point me to the bootloader for that image -assuming I can back-date the bootloader. ?

If that doesn't work, the only other thing I can think of is to try Blackhole, but I'd rather stay with Vix.

...One more thing... if this problem is being caused by an incorrect driver or incorrectly-created network share, would I be able to remove that driver/share via FTP? ...Well I mean, I'm not sure what to look for or where -or if the flashing would blank all that anyway.

(Before all this happened, as I said, I was trying to set up a network share from a shared folder on my pc. Last time I set one up [tried a number of times], that share never appeared in the gui so I couldn't remove it -even though it was activated. Similarly, I tried adding other DTT plugins when the '700' didn't work but none of them showed in plugin drivers available to be uninstalled... maybe I need to do some lower-level 'housekeeping'?)

15-02-12, 17:51
The bootloader is fully backwards compatible so you do not need to revert to use a earlier image. also have you tried my suggestion of downloading the 2.3.204 image directly from the receiver and flashing that rather than doing a online update from 2.3.133 ?.

15-02-12, 18:04
I must've misread what you suggested. Thought you meant to update online via the Duo.

However, I'm having difficulty finding 2.3.204 here. The most recent image I see is "ViX-2.3.153-vuduo_usb.zip" ...which is more recent than the one I have, so I'll try that. But if you can point me to 2.3.204 I'd be grateful. ?

15-02-12, 18:25
you can download it directly from the receiver it self via a existing 2.3 image.

load your existing image 2.3.133, dont restore any settings or set the box up other than for the internet etc. then go to the image manager
blue button> ViX> image manager> yellow button and download the version you need and load that to a USB stick to flash as normal.

15-02-12, 20:41
OK just did that. When I press the Yellow button to restore on that screen the system crashes. Thankfully it does boot back up though.

There's something about sending the generated file to Andy. It's gone before I can read it though. Checking via ftp, I can see a "resumepoints.pkl" in the root. Is this the file? And where do I send it?

15-02-12, 20:45
no you dont restore the image from the image manager you just use it to backup your image or download one from the server. you need to transfer the image you download to a USB stick and install as you normally would. as for the crash log. you can send that directly to us via the Logs manager. menu> setup> system> log manager. ( remember to press menu and enter your details so we can track and logs you send us ).

15-02-12, 22:41
if you can point me to 2.3.204 I'd be grateful. ?Build 204 for the Duo is here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?14236-Vu-Duo-ViX-2-3-%28Linux-3-1-1%29-Image-Release-s&p=113095&viewfull=1#post113095).

16-02-12, 18:08
OK, I flashed the bootloader, then flashed with Vix 2.3.204, then installed the Nova-T driver, then restarted -and it booted! Yaaay!

Thanks to all for the help. :)