View Full Version : latest settings file ...Please ?

05-08-10, 17:34
could some one point me in the right direction of the latest settings file (motorised). i have tried the ones in enigma 2 section and i,m getting lots of greyed out channels , and tuner messages , are the ones that come with Pli image (downlaodable) up to date ...eg Ry tec or Pet 123 ..
cheers in advance
Sloth :D

05-08-10, 17:45
I think the best is Enigma 2 C@jton settings for VU+ Duo DM800-0 HD DM500HD. You'll find it in the settings section. It is loaded with DreamBoxEdit and there is a great guide for that also.
I use C@jton for my TM-600 as well.....v. good.

All the best..