View Full Version : [VU+ Uno] USB re-flashing from HDD saved image does not work

11-02-12, 19:32
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong here:

I had Vix 2.3 latest on my Vu+ Uno and used the Image Manager to create a few backup images with my customizations and settings and all.

Then I wanted to experiment with Black Hole to see if it works better for me. Apparently BH is not my cup of tea, so I wanted to revert to the latest saved image. I copied the vuplus directory on my formatted usb stick, but the device would not recognise it during boot up (it was doing that all the time before).

Then I noticed that the HDD-saved backups contain 3 files each, while all images I downloaded from the net before for flashing purposes had a fourth small file starting with "boot_____etc". I tried copying this boot file on the usb, but still no luck.

So please guide me on how to use the HDD-saved VIX image backup to flash off the current BH!

11-02-12, 19:37
did you extract the file from the backup location?

11-02-12, 19:42
I copied the files from the directory I created to store the backups on HDD. I had a total of 3 backups, and chose the latest, then took out the vuplus directory out of it and copied it to usb

12-02-12, 07:34
ok, solved!
I reformatted the USB and recopied the image onto it. it worked.