View Full Version : Channel Scan picks up nothing ??? please help

05-08-10, 16:21
Hi all i am new to this game and have never had a system like this before just the normal sky stuff

My problem is this i have set up a motorized dish and it will work with a technomate pluged in finds all sats and channels but when i plug my vu+ duo in it will not find anything installed all the channel lists motor settings etc and have put my usals settings in got my long & lat from the internet have also checked this with my satnav in hand next to the dish all set ok but still cant find anything ? strange thing is if i take my vu+ to my freinds house and plug into his dish all will work ok the only difference is his lnb is 0.1db and mine is 0.3db
if i plug my sky dish in to tuner 2 then i can get all the channels on astra 28.2

would be very happy if somebody could point me in the right direction please :confused:

05-08-10, 16:26
Hi mate
its quiet common ....have a read of this thread"http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?1227-struggling-with-motor-set-up-!!" , try the things in there and then get back to us with questions !