View Full Version : vix 2.31 help needed

11-02-12, 17:26
hi i have loaded my cccam 2.1.3 2.2.1 but i cant get either of them to br acyive, i have put a tick in the box with blue panel the started with the geen panel. but neither one shows up as active,
any ideas why

11-02-12, 17:29
have you put your config file in the correct place and it must be named CCcam.cfg

11-02-12, 17:37
yes i put in etc

11-02-12, 17:39
How did you install softcam? Did you use the ipk for the 4shared folder?

11-02-12, 17:39
this is what i done
CCcam goes to /usr/softcam
the .cfg file goes to /etc.

11-02-12, 17:40
no i just ftp them as above

11-02-12, 17:43
what is the ipk which is supposed to go to

11-02-12, 17:45
make sure file permissions for the CCcam are set to 755

11-02-12, 17:54
i have installe both softcam to /var/volatile/tmp but there is nothing to showing to intall

11-02-12, 17:55
how do i check the file permission

11-02-12, 17:59
i have changed that to 755 but still not opening the cccam

11-02-12, 18:01
Reboot the VU after the permission change ?

11-02-12, 18:06
I think the best thing to do, is start again, and use the ipk method, transferr it to your temp folder, the install it via the menu/vix/install local extention

11-02-12, 18:09
dooh i have deleted the cccam.cfg file

11-02-12, 18:09
anyone got a cccam.cgg template

11-02-12, 18:23
here you go obviously it needs the file extension renaming

11-02-12, 18:44
cheers mate

11-02-12, 18:48
remember to rename the file to CCcam.cfg

11-02-12, 20:33
still not installing or showing up the ipk i have chaned permisssions & rebooted

11-02-12, 20:37
i have even reloaded the image & the cam still wont work

11-02-12, 20:41
how did you load CCcam into your system?

and also, did you rename the posted text file to CCcam.cfg?

11-02-12, 20:51
i tried to ftp & the way the tmp folder in var/volitile/tmp the 2nd way it dose not bring anything up i have changed the file permissions to 755 & rebboted, yes changed the name to CCcaan.cfg

11-02-12, 20:52
i tried to ftp & the way the tmp folder in var/volitile/tmp the 2nd way it dose not bring anything up i have changed the file permissions to 755 & rebboted, yes changed the name to CCcaan.cfg
Its CCcam.cfg

11-02-12, 20:52
change to file to CCcam.cfg

11-02-12, 20:59
what format should the CCcam.cfg be saved as, do ineed to do anything with the extention.

11-02-12, 21:07
i have the folder option unticked not show file extenions

12-02-12, 12:46
Ensure that the option in folder options for "Hide extensions for known file types" is unticked.

Once it's unticked, you will see the full file name on your PC. Rename it to "CCcam.cfg" and ftp to /etc. Once complete, reboot.

If that doesn't work, try copying your "CCcam.cfg" and making one called "CCcam_1.cfg", then FTP that to /etc. You should now have CCcam.cfg and CCcam_1.cfg in /etc. On the TV, press Menu > Setup > SoftCam / CI > CCcam Info > Switch Config

You should see CCcam_1.cfg (if not, reboot and try again), select it, press Green to activate it and then reboot.

Let us know how it goes.

12-02-12, 17:52
the softcamms are still not showing up when i go menu/vix/install local extentions is this the correct place to ftp them to to vat/volitile/tmp. that is the only tmp file i can find

12-02-12, 17:56
Did you use the ipk for the 4shared folder?

is that the same as tmp folder?

12-02-12, 18:13
strange i dowloaded another two cccam they went on i now have 4 showing & CCcam showing as active,, wish i downloaded them all again earlier, lol

12-02-12, 19:45
Lol. Go to plugins and remove 3 of the 4.

/tmp is the right place yeah (actually a shortcut for /var/volatile/tmp as you said). Which version did you install? I went from 2.2.1 to 2.3 a few weeks ago and it's been working perfectly.

12-02-12, 20:16
just went for 2.3 just one more question how do you configure crossepg

12-02-12, 20:33
sorted now epg configure found.