View Full Version : old harddrive?

10-02-12, 14:43
Ive just recieved a new Vu+duo for a family member and was thinking about putting a old 500gb hd into it to save them buying one.
The hd is in a old computer with no mobo i think its got an old windows os on it.
Will i be able to format the drive in the vu+duo or will i have to connect it up to my pc to format it?

10-02-12, 14:45
Nope, just plonk it in the duo, go to menu -> setup -> system -> Harddisk -> Initialise

You'll then have it ready to record :D

10-02-12, 14:52
Cheers for quick reply.
Saves me taking my rig apart to format it.

10-02-12, 17:54
What type of HD is it though ?, IDE or SATA ?