View Full Version : Nightly shutdown

04-08-10, 22:14
If I use cron manager to shutdown the box (Deep Standby) will it do this regardless of what it is doing at the time eg recording? Does it throw up a dialog box at all so I can cancel if watching?

Ideally I just want to shutdown the box if not recording and not watching at say midnight without writing a script.

Latest Dream Elite image.


05-08-10, 05:54
Pretty sure cron manager will still shutdown your receiver even if its recording.

05-08-10, 11:06
As Sic says...

What you would ideally need to do is to write a script that will run at a certain time (that you tell it), then, it will check if a recording is taking place. If so, it will find out what time the recording is due to finish, and then shut down at that time, otherwise, just do a shutdown.

Now, andy, do you fancy another challenge :p hehe

05-08-10, 12:16
I might be talking out of my backside here, but isn't there an option to set the receiver to shutdown or standy after a certain recording? Sure it's in the recording options when you set a timer.

05-08-10, 15:38
Yes, there is an option for that, but the OP might not be recording something every night. Or, might be watching something on 1 channel, whilst recording on another, and after that record finishes, then it'd shut down the box rather than allow him to finish watching. Either way, it doesn't help in the fact that they want the box to shut down every night. Only way to do that would be to write a script or plugin as mentioned above...

05-08-10, 17:34
So is there a file somewhere with contents of currently recording channel/currently viewing channel/power on-off etc? Perhaps a specific process runs during a recording/viewing? Need to do some experimenting this weekend I think.

05-08-10, 21:58
I use something like this on my linux box.
I don't have a hard disk yet so haven't recorded and can't adapt it for the VU, but just it should just be a case of editing the process names and shutdown command to suit :

while killall -0 mencoder
sleep 60
shutdown -h now