View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] oscam6306/cccam213 problems with latest vix image

08-02-12, 18:18
i keep getting problems with oscam6306/cccam213 after a while it turns itself off and i after keep restarting and stopping them a few times untill they both work again, anyone any ideas why this is happening ?

08-02-12, 18:37
use oscam 6033 myself. has worked without interruption for as long as i installed it. why do you need oscam and cccam as oscam emulates cccam so you do not need both.

08-02-12, 18:47
for a certain card i am running, that needs both to run, which is the bd card upc

08-02-12, 18:56
wasn't aware that oscam couldn't read this card. cccam 2.1.3 works fine so suggest you put oscam binary 6033 in /usr/softcams (change attributes to 755) and restart emulator and see how it goes with cccam

08-02-12, 21:18
I also had a similar kind of problem with a 1.2 I went back to 1.1 stable and this works for me up to now without problems.


08-02-12, 22:11
possibly true as inserted hardware cam modules may not be the strongest part of the vix build