View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] webif

08-02-12, 17:22
Not really important but I can't open webif in IE, but it does open in Chrome and Firefox, any ideas as to why ?

09-02-12, 10:03
OOps did I post this in the wrong place ? should have been in VU chat?

Rob van der Does
09-02-12, 10:26
Nope, you're in the right place here.
Open the WEB-IF configuration and change the port to 80.

09-02-12, 12:28
Thanks Rob but if I change it to 80 it doesn't open in Chrome or firefox if set to 88 I can access it in both but still not with IE9, must be an IE9 setting I think.

Rob van der Does
09-02-12, 16:09
Then you might try to empty the browsers cache.
And if another port then 80 has been set, it must be added to the IP-address in the browser (so e.g. 192.168.1.xx:88).