View Full Version : cant get conclusive answer Tuner setup

08-02-12, 03:30
For a few weeks now i have been trying to find out what the correct settings are for vu duo twion tuners on motorised dish running two cables from same lnb ie twin lnb.
Ive tryed each one and cant seem to stick to one way because my motor keeps having problems moving as soon as i set tuner b to no config its ok.i have tuner A set as simple/usals.....
I have searched google and these are the answers that i find,depending on who it is its all fuzzy.not clear.
i think ill ring Vu+ themselves tommorow just to clear up once and for all.
this is some of the posts from people with same questions as me and answers there have recieved on different forums including this one...

VIP on digital kios
Set tuner B to equal to tuner A

vip member from Allsat
Set up tuner A the same as tuner B in the menus?

The only thoughts I have is that the box does not work properly if the two tuners are set up identically. As a test you could try to delete all your existing tuner settings - then set up only tuner A. If that still does not work you may have a hardware fault

vip member satpimps says

its OK i now no how to make it work now. set tuner b to second cable of motorised lnb tuner a i now can record and watch other channels + the motor moves now

phonex from vix says

2nd cable of motorised dish is correct way from tuner b on motor setup with two tuners.

Rob van der does says from vix

So as I said before: set tuner A to USALS and tuner B to 'second cable from motorised dish'

08-02-12, 05:30
This is how the unit should be set. Provided the cables are correct way round, the motor is working, dish aligned correctly and coax is good quality and with no shorts. This must be the cable that connects to the motor.

Tuner A (use your own long and latitude)

Tuner B (provided you are using a twin output LNB with its own feed to Duo)

I dont know how your going to phone VU+ direct, never seen their Korean number advertised anywhere :rolleyes:

08-02-12, 11:40
As has been said in your original post by quite a few members (seems like it's only members from here and the vip on satpimps tho who know what they're doing?!), if you have two feeds from a motorised dish, then tuner b needs to be set to "second cable of motorised lnb". Kind of self explanatory?

As Sicilian mentioned ... you need to ensure that the cable which feeds in to the actual motor itself, is put in to feed A. This is the cable that tells the motor to move, and is then feed through to the lnb to receive the transmission when at the correct bird... Then, Tuner B's cable is fed directly in to the lnb, and set to "second cable of motorised lnb" as mentioned...

This should then sort you out ;)

08-02-12, 18:44
cheers guys,its other advise that has confused me.least i know this is the way,may help others.Thanks guys.