View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] How can i watch the end of an event when permanent timeshift is active

07-02-12, 18:33
PTS works ok as long as i am on the same event, but when a new event starts the box goes back to live.
Which means that if i watch an event ten minutes late, i miss the last ten minutes of this event.
Timeshift should keep the same delay upon event change as long as it is on the same channel.

07-02-12, 19:29
theres an option in Timeshift Settings,

Permanent Timeshift Max Events, i have it set to 5 and it seems to be working fine here
Max Length is set to 240, you can set it to what you want

08-02-12, 15:17
This does not solve the problem (at least with build 204).
Not only it skips the end of the event, but it is not possible to rewind back to the previous event.

08-02-12, 15:36
This does not solve the problem (at least with build 204).
Not only it skips the end of the event, but it is not possible to rewind back to the previous event.

Yes, I too have had the same problem. But others have not.

If you enabled debug logs (menu -> setup -> system -> logs), when it happens to you again, restart enigma, and send the debug log whcih was last updated at the time of the restart...

08-02-12, 16:38
I tried to reproduce the incident.
In this case, rather than going live when the new event occured, it went mad backwards, and eventualy kept looping thru the previous timeshift files.

I will try to reproduce the original problem

I also tried a Blackhole image with the PTS plugin, and it seems to work correctly.
Is the VIX embedded PTS updated to the latest version?

08-02-12, 17:23
I reproduced the original problem.
The display skips to the next event.
When trying to move backward to pervious event, i get only the event title, but no display (black screen).
Also the number shown on the upper left side above the timeshift scrollbar looks very strange (941:50).

08-02-12, 19:02
I have installed enigma2-plugin-extensions-permanenttimeshift_1.1_mipsel.ipk on top of the 204 version.
Seems to work OK now.

08-02-12, 19:39
Just embedding latest pts in to beta image for us to try... Will let you know ;)

08-02-12, 22:05
I have installed enigma2-plugin-extensions-permanenttimeshift_1.1_mipsel.ipk on top of the 204 version.
Seems to work OK now.

where can I download this from??


09-02-12, 07:50
It's on

Mod Edit: No live links please :)

21-02-12, 09:38
Any news? I had to reflash 204 from scratch to investigate the 1970 date problem, and i have not been able to reinstall the permanent timeshift 1.1 patch since.

21-02-12, 10:17
PTS is already installed in ViX, you shouldn't be installing anything for PTS. Just go to timeshift settings to turn on.

22-02-12, 09:02
As stated in the title, it's not a question about how to turn on PTS.
it's just that the VIX version of PTS does not work properly.

22-02-12, 12:26
As stated in the title, it's not a question about how to turn on PTS.
it's just that the VIX version of PTS does not work properly.

all working fine here ??

27-02-12, 19:06
As stated in first post, PTS goes back to live when the clock reaches a new event.

18-03-12, 00:29
As stated in first post, PTS goes back to live when the clock reaches a new event.

Any fix for this yet??

18-03-12, 06:44
Tested and working fine here. When you guys press pause, how long are you pausing for?

18-03-12, 19:16
Quite a long time.
In this case events are not very long, therefore pause may overlap several events.

18-03-12, 21:27
For me its only short periods, 5 - 10 minutes.....

19-03-12, 07:05
I this problem if I rewind or pause to a point just a couple of minutes behind live TV then continue watching.
At the start of the next event (30-40 mins later) I'm dumped back into live TV.

17-06-12, 14:20
i have the same problem.... it would be great to get a fix for it.

02-01-13, 22:36
Was a fix ever discovered for this? I currently have this problem which is beyond frustrating!

12-01-13, 15:06
I guess not. That's a shame. It's my only gripe at the moment.

12-01-13, 20:04
I guess not. That's a shame. It's my only gripe at the moment.

Which box & what image version are you currently using?
Can you upload a debug log for when this happens please.