View Full Version : vlc problem and other problem

07-02-12, 17:51
Hi guy's, firstly thanks for the help on the rc problem....but now i have a couple more niggles which I'm hoping someone can help with.

problem 1: VLC player keeps crashing out and re booting my box. I have a duo set up downstairs and the VLC player works fine but the solo upstairs everytime i setup the server on VLC and press OK(green) i get a black screen with loads of tiney writing and then the box ree boots.

problem 2: This has happened twice now where my solo seems to loose connection with the tv and does not respond to any commands sent via RC or manual ones via the front buttons. It requires a complete shutdown(power off) then it re boots normally and everything is back and active again.

any help would be brilliant thanks

07-02-12, 18:55
OK your receiver has suffered a Enigma 2 crash, dont worry bout this as it can be very helpful to us.

First we need a few details from you. such as Image version and build and the skin you are using. This can be obtained via Menu> information> about.
For example Version 2.3 Build 204, ViX Night HD.

also as your receiver crashed it would be very helpful to us if we could see the corresponding crash logs, you can send us them directly from the receiver viam.
Menu> setup> system> Logs> Logs manager ( please remember to setup your details in the settings page so that we can keep trask of the logs. )

now thats over with, there is no need for you to use VLC to watch movies on the solo from your duo as you can mount the HDD from one to the other like so.

Menu> setup> system> network> device setup> network browser.
This will scan your network for other devices, once the scan is complete you should see the Duo and be able to mount the drive from it on your Solo. simply highlight the device press ok, you will be asked to enter a username and password click on no for this. now scroll to the harddisk or the heading named media/hdd and press ok then ok again to save this mount.

you should now be able to select this location from within the ViX media player and stream directly from the Duo to the Solo.

07-02-12, 19:42
HI Pheonix, good to catch up again matey.

I am running vers:2.3 Build 204 and with Vix night hd skin with kernel 3.1.1 as in your example. I have just sent the error log file so you should have it with my user addy from here.

Also the VLC player issue. I'm not streaming from my VU+ i'm trying to stream from my pc if that makes a difference mate


07-02-12, 21:03
ahh no worries, i get you now bud. to be honest i have never tried streaming from a pc to receiver so i'm not sure how to help there, but no doubt some one who is will help. and thanks for the log's we'll look over them and see what we can do.

07-02-12, 21:30
thanks matey.

seems a bit weird how the duo streams fine from pc tho..oh well no biggy

07-02-12, 21:42
yeah Ive had a quick look at your log and although it may as well be in hieroglyphs for me it is pointing towards VLC it self.

07-02-12, 22:01
yeah sorry mate,just realised that log will be for the vlc error.

When i get a crash on the box i will send the log file.

thanks for your help

07-02-12, 22:08
dont worry mate we appreciate all the logs, i'm not saying i can read them my self but others can and will.

09-02-12, 23:11
ok guy's had the box lock up a couple of times over the last couple of days but it hasn't created an error log file for me to send. The box is completley non responsive to either RC or buttons on the front with no picture at all on the TV.

do you think it's worth doing a factory re set then a re install of firmware?

11-02-12, 12:31
any words of wisdom from you guy's before i re install image pls?

just had another crash...same again no error logs to send tho:confused:

11-02-12, 21:24
any words of wisdom from you guy's before i re install image pls?

just had another crash...same again no error logs to send tho:confused:

just tried to re install f/ware. did it exactly the same as the first time but it didn't start to install. do i have to do something else or should i be able to re install the same version f/w over the top of the one that' already on??