View Full Version : Probs. Cline ftp/telnet to cccam

Alan Pee
03-08-10, 23:13
I have been having probs with sending my cline to my box. I tried fizella and it says '530 login incorrect'. I tried DCC, on ftp it gives same message '530 plse login with user and pass'. I tried to use telnet to change password. Typed in passwd and it says enter new password with cursor flashing but nothing comes up when I type. How do I get around this or Is there any other way I can input my cline on cccam.

03-08-10, 23:16
the default username and password is:

user: root
pwd: (blank) leave it empty

about changing the pwd using telnet, it is true it won't show you anything when you type.

so i don't know, is it changed through telnet or you didn't complete the process so it is still (blank)

Alan Pee
04-08-10, 00:51
I logged in with user: root and pw: blank and then try to change pw via telnet. Do I have to just continue typing pw without seeing it when telnet says: enter new password? Will try that tomorrow just switched off my box going to bed now.Thanks

04-08-10, 00:55
yeah keep on typing and when done pree the "enter/new line key"


Alan Pee
04-08-10, 12:43
I have succeeded in changing the password and was able to connect to box with both DCC and Fizella. Making some progress now. But I tried to ftp my entire config file to box but I don't think its going because I can't see any servers on the cfg file in box.

04-08-10, 12:53
What you need to do is...

Modify your cccam file as required.
Then FTP the modified file to the location /etc

Thasts it.

Alan Pee
04-08-10, 13:16
I have modified and ftped it to etc but nothing seem to be happening on my box. Do I have to replace any of the 0-5 config files already in cccam 214? How do I check if its connected or not.

04-08-10, 13:23
Just put the file cccam.cfg

Dont worry about the other files. Download and install ccam info from the plugins menu. This can give you further information.

Alan Pee
04-08-10, 14:33
I sent my cfg file to etc and didn't touch any of the files that were already there to box. I went into cccam info and there was no info. it says connected to 0 servers on top of 'SERVERS' with no info inside the box. I can't even see my cfg file or Cline. I downloaded the the cccam 214 full from plugins. Or should I have downloaded the bin file or one with new cs? Would that make any difference. Thanks for your help.

Mr. Mister
04-08-10, 21:03
Try this..

Hightlight you cfg file in etc..
right click and left click on edit

Then you can add whatever lines you want from there..

hope this helps

Alan Pee
04-08-10, 22:22
Got it working now guys. I didn't instal cccam on box thats why. I just downloaded it only. Followed some threads here and went to install cccam then edited the first cfg file with my cline saved and ftped back to box, went and activated it on box and thats was it. Once again thanks very much for your help. Great box this is. I am very happy with it. Just got to move on to playing with the extras and plugins now.