View Full Version : Blackhole 1.72 and NabiloAddons_bh

05-02-12, 22:37
After manually installing NabiloAddons_bh.tar the blackhole 1.72 crashes every time when i'm trying to install any new addon. The same happened with the previous BH (1.71). Manual install still, works, but at any downloadable install crashes. Any ideas?

05-02-12, 22:40
Post the crashlog, but taking a guess, i'd say 1 of the addon's your installing isn't compatable with the new 3.1.1 kernal

05-02-12, 22:47
i think it must be the new kernel, because even if nabilo is the first installed addon the result is the same....

05-02-12, 22:58
You nabilo and Blackhole are not the same team

05-02-12, 23:03
You nabilo and Blackhole are not the same team
Is it any blackhole specific download server? (i mean for cams, etc) Until 1.65 they worked well together (nab addos and bh).

05-02-12, 23:06
No BH don't support cams, but they are avaliable via TS panel for example (tuniasat panel which you can download on this forum).

06-02-12, 13:45
I have not used BH for ages is there a softcam manager in that image?

06-02-12, 13:56
I have not used BH for ages is there a softcam manager in that image?

Yes there is, in the blue panel, they just do not upload softcams onto there server (same as most teams now).