View Full Version : Single satellite updating

05-02-12, 17:47
Hello all,
Yesterday I set about updating the satellites etc then realized I don't know how to update a single individual satellite while leaving the rest til later!!!

Until now,I've always updated all the satellites in one go and so havn't noticed I've never tried updating a single one on its own before!
If I used "single satellite" in the update menu (seems the logical choice) would the new data overwrite just that single satelite (which is what I would like to happen) or would the data of the others be deleted, leaving just the one with the latest updates?
Alternativly, if I downloaded a single update from the net then used dreambox edit, is it possible to copy this to the existing satellites.xml file such that only the new satellite data would be overwritten leaving all others as they were?

Just a bit nervous about deleting parts of the satellite.xls file in the vu+ duo, see. In any case, I always make a copy before hand - up until now havn't experienced major problems.


Rob van der Does
05-02-12, 17:56
I have no idea what you mean by 'satellite updating'. You do that on the PC, using a tool?

Anyway: as long as you don't temper with the system-file satellites.xml located in etc/tuxbox and only do your experiments with the user-file satellites.xml in etc/enigma2 you can't go wrong. If you corrupt it, just delete the whole file and the box will use the systemfile (and you can start again).

And don't forget: the satellites .xml is only important for scanning. For tuning the data in lamedb is used.

08-02-12, 21:20
Thanks Rob.
By satellite updating, I was refering to the re-scanning of a single or all satellites (I have a motor drive) using the manual search/single satellite (or multi satellite) menu funtion. I do this from time to time to recieve newly started channels sending on existing transponders listed.

I use "Dream box edit" on the pc to read the latest transponder data I previously got from an updating page on the internet then download this new data into my VU+ duo afterwhich I run a scan of all satelites.

As of now I've never tampered with the Lamedb file so cant comment on this but thanks for your info, I didnt know this file was concerned with data tuning.