View Full Version : Tuner issue

05-02-12, 11:18
Morning all,
I am helping my friend whom is a few hunderd mile away from me set his new purchased Duo via teamviewer etc.
New kernel and latest image all working fine.
He has a motorised and that was working perfectly on his 800.
In tuner config i have told him to set it up exactly like mine as was in the 800 in advanced etc.
His lat and long are correct, all other settings are corrcet currently using tuner A and tuner B in loopthrough
I was with him few hours last night has having few issues, one was the cable and now this morning after we left the config mode in simple, he said this morning after twiddling with the cable and tidying up other cables at back of tv, he gets free to air on 28 so at least we know the cabling is fine.
Now when we changed to advanced the dish moves and then comes up with Tune Failed.
I just asked him to set the tuner config on the dish to simple and dish is not moving and again now tuner failed.
Anyone could please help as it would be much appreciated and driving me nuts as i do these very easily in person but when he a few miles away i am limited.
Best wishes

05-02-12, 11:45
Try simple config like this using correct long and latt.


05-02-12, 11:46
Will do mate.
Will get back with how it went
Thank you

05-02-12, 12:11
Other things, is the pole dish is on plumb? Needs to be perfect, as if it's not, then it won't track the arc properly. Assume so, as you said he was using it on dm800 fine?!

Also, did he have to use the "Extra power" option to drive the motor on dm800 image?! Not sure whether this is available in any image?! But, some motors need more power to drive the motor...

05-02-12, 12:29
Tried that with mine so i know it works as i have mine in advanced usually not simple so thought i'd follow the instructions so i know they do work, it worked fine on mine but not on his, dish moves and nothing.
Yet he disconnects the duo and reconnects the 800 and the dish is moving and hitting the channels on 19 for example

05-02-12, 12:47
Another update, he said when he selects 28e, he can see teh dish actually moves over to west.
Yet when he put again the 800 back in it moves to correct positions

05-02-12, 12:54
so on the VU,...is the motor moving at all?

if it is moving, to get some idea of what its hitting ( sats ) or not, it might be an idea to traverse the dish via sat finder, from say 28 east, through to say 7 east
idea being, the dish will then pass through 23/19/13 east, and sig strengths will show on route to 7 east

05-02-12, 12:57
also,....after reading your additional comment, he has set his USALs to 53 ( example ) North rather than South I hope??

05-02-12, 13:06
Ok i changed from south to north as suggested.
Silly me thought due to him being south of me thus MY mistake.
But obviously it's from where the sats in sky see the UK as north.
Excellent, as i type i can hear him on voice virtually having an orgasim lmao.
Thanks loads

05-02-12, 13:09
I mean that, USALS in the uk are set to east/west @ say 002.500 North setting could be 053.222,

but if the North setting was set to south instead, the dish would travel in the opposite direction