View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Network Browser crash

05-02-12, 11:09
Trying to setup my NAS but network browser crashes box

crash log id 1328436166.3

Rob van der Does
05-02-12, 11:32
Looks like you box has a memory problem. Do you have large EPG-imports?
If you (temporarily) activate a SWAP-file (via the ViX-SWAP-Manager), is the problem then solved?

05-02-12, 11:39
Can't create swap file no physical devices Can't create swapfile on network or fat32 filesystems

06-02-12, 16:59
Well no solution so think i'll have to downgrade :(

Rob van der Does
06-02-12, 18:06
Well no solution so think i'll have to downgrade :(
I can't imagine that will help you.

About solutions: maybe an answer to:

Looks like you box has a memory problem. Do you have large EPG-imports?
can bring us to a solution.

06-02-12, 18:54
I was using earlier version with no problems, the only EPG-imports are for Sky UK.
I have done nothing different when setting up box, so can only think it is an image problem :(

Rob van der Does
06-02-12, 19:01
Although possible, it doesn't seem to be image related: there's a memory problem for some reason.
Can you telnet

df -h
and report the result?

06-02-12, 19:41
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 100.5M 67.2M 33.2M 67% /
tmpfs 64.0K 4.0K 60.0K 6% /dev
/dev/sda1 1.9G 115.3M 1.8G 6% /media/usb
tmpfs 51.8M 704.0K 51.1M 1% /var/volatile
root@vusolo:~# Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted o
-sh: Filesystem: not found
/dev/sda1 1.9G 115.3M 1.8G 6% /media/usb
root@vusolo:~# ubi0:rootfs 100.5M 67.2M 33.2M 67% /
-sh: ubi0:rootfs: not found
root@vusolo:~# tmpfs 64.0K 4.0K 60.0K 6% /dev
-sh: tmpfs: not found
root@vusolo:~# /dev/sda1 1.9G 115.3M 1.8G 6% /media/us
-sh: /dev/sda1: Permission denied
root@vusolo:~# tmpfs 51.8M 704.0K 51.1M 1% /var/vola
-sh: tmpfs: not found

Rob van der Does
07-02-12, 03:18
I would suggest to convert the USB- pen to Ext3/4, to create & activate a SWAP and see if that solves the problem.

Rob van der Does
07-02-12, 08:55
atm Andy is trying to make the networkbrowser somewhat more efficient: hopefully that will solve this issue (a.o.) in the next update. But we can't be sure this actually solves your problem.

07-02-12, 20:20
Thank you, Thank you thats done it works fine now :)