View Full Version : latest image

04-02-12, 19:07
hi all i have just joined this great site want to download latest vti 4 but the link it gives is now shut down so cant find anywhere else to get file from i need the usb version if anyone can help thanks inadvance.

04-02-12, 22:23
I don't mean to sound harsh mate but if you had done the very simplest of exploring you would have found the image in the VU+ VTI image section.


05-02-12, 11:41
hi stanman when i joined the site the very first thing i did was to go to the download page when i followed the link it took me to multiupload the site has been stopped thats why i asked if anyone knew where i could download the file from still need help.

05-02-12, 14:22
If you check back shortly there will be an image in that post.

this is the reason why we ask people to post legal items to the site for when ofsite sources go of line.

06-02-12, 19:38
thanks stanman nice to be able to rely on people like you.

07-02-12, 14:23
hi went to the new download noticed it said for solo is this ok for the duo dont want to put on incase not.

07-02-12, 15:31
No. Only load images / bootloaders for the specific receiver. Loading the image or bootloader for a different box could cause serious damage to your receiver.

07-02-12, 19:16
hi went to the new download noticed it said for solo is this ok for the duo dont want to put on incase not.

Sorry mate, the wrong image was uploaded. Unless a member has one all the links I have seen so far are dead