View Full Version : [ET5x00] channel listing question

01-02-12, 18:59
hi there i am transfering my motor from spiderbox to xtrend soon at the moment i have 28e on xtrend and have dowloaded silverfox boutique very impressive especially for the kids eg 603 scooby doo is it poss to have this aswell as a motorised channel list or a plug in that has silverfox motorised thanks great work becoming addicted to the vix image

01-02-12, 23:04
Open two sessions of dreamset and in one have SF settings in the other the motor settings such as Vhannibal or catseye. Create two folders placeholders and SKY on the motor settings by right clicking. By default folders will be placed at the bottom of the bouquets and drag and drop them to the top - palceholder first and than sky.

Than from SF settings drag and drop the placholders to the placeholders in the motor setting and channel 101 to 900+ to the Sky settings and away you go.

03-02-12, 20:07
thank you just learning this box i will have a go can u download dreamset on here

03-02-12, 21:12
Yes all the editors are here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?23-Settings-Editors

One think I forgot to mention I only use dreamset to edit the motor settings as I have not figured out how to allow duplicates on it as that is needed for the silverfox settings, so you may be better of using two sessions of dreamboxedit.