View Full Version : Best Image for motor setting

Alan Pee
02-08-10, 13:46
Which is the best and easiest image for motor setting. I have been trying to store statellites on DE but if I switch off and on after storing and numbering as instructed in most guides I have read, the dish doesn't move again. Help plse.

02-08-10, 20:45
I dont think it will make any difference what image you use as they all use the same basis for setup. Have you have loaded a Settings file?

02-08-10, 21:50
tell us how you are doing the setup, of the sats.

we'll be how to help you then.

regards: canthackit

Alan Pee
03-08-10, 10:42
I have loaded two different settings files and still could.nt get it to work. I set both tuners to advanced and exactly the same settings as I have only one motorsed dish. I use diseqc 1.2. I was able to get and store 28e at pos 28 both on tuner and positioner, rebooted and went back inputed 19e on both tuners again with same values and moved dish on positioner saved it on pos 19 and rebooted. Came back was able to get BBC to show but when I go to a 19e channel the dish wouldn't move there. I noticed that when I pressed the green button to save for 28e the signal fluctuated probably indicating that its saved but when I did for 19e nothing happened probably didn't save. I even held down the green button for a while and nothing happened did this several times still no luck. I also noticed that each time I save on opos. 28 or 19 on positioner when I go back after rebooting its back to pos. 1. Plse help I am getting frustrated with this.

03-08-10, 10:46
Hi Alan
there are a few threads on this subject as it seems to be a common problem , have a search around the forum and give them a read , it might help ...i had some very similar problems early on .hope this helps

Alan Pee
03-08-10, 12:05
I have read a few of them and followed but sitll no luck. Will keep reading and trying. But Can anyone suggest a good settings file that I can use for now. And if I decide to use USALS for example do I just load the settings file, input my long. and lat. and then do nothing? Or do I still need to configure both tuners. I want to try USAL since I am not getting any luck with diseqc 1.2.

03-08-10, 12:33
What is your setup? is it a single motorised dish setup with twin output lnb?

Alan Pee
03-08-10, 13:01
Its a single motorised setup with a quad LNB but I have only one cable and using only the Vu+ duo.

03-08-10, 13:07
In that case...

tuner a - should be set as - simple, positioner - set your long and lat.

Thats it...

tuner b - set as - not configured.

Upload some of the E2 settings from ...


Then reboot....give that a whirl.

Alan Pee
03-08-10, 13:10
Ok thanks will try that after lunch and report back later. Tnx again for the quick reply.

03-08-10, 16:17
Its a single motorised setup with a quad LNB but I have only one cable and using only the Vu+ duo.

Hello, Alan
Please see this link " h**p://www.dragteam.info/forum/imagens/113006-qual-imagem-aconselham-2.html" may be it will help you. Take note about post #13

Good luck

03-08-10, 16:31
As bobonthejob stated in post 9. Also here's a screenshot of the tuner setting: -


Alan Pee
03-08-10, 19:58
Very happy to say that I am finally getting it to work. I followed the instructions above and it worked but I couldn't load any of the settings from this site on the link above. For some strange reason dreambox edit keeping saying in German 'Datei nicht gefunden' meaning data not found each time I try to send to box. I then downloaded settings from elsewhere and was able to send to box and it worked but couldn't get channels on 1w and 16e ( message says SID data not conf.). I would like to use the settings from this site. Anybody plse know why I can't load settings from here with the message above.

03-08-10, 20:28
Guide here to send settings/bouquets http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?623-How-to-send-save-Enigma-Settings-to-the-VUDuo-using-DBEdit

Alan Pee
03-08-10, 21:18
I followed the guide but when I send any of the ones here the message 'Datei nicht gefunden' comes up and the transfer hangs. But i was able to use the guide the send one i got elsewhere. Any help welcome plse.

03-08-10, 22:36
Hi alan
have you set dreambox edit ...to Enigma 2 ?

Alan Pee
03-08-10, 23:05
heeeyyy. Finally got it to work. Dish can now pick sats. on precision from 45e to 30w on USALS. It was missing sats. slightly to the east at first, adjusted long. and lat. it didn't fix it. Then put long. and lat. back and went outside to loose and adjust dish slightly west and that fixed it. Thanks very much everybody for your help. Now on to Cline ftp to cccam. I think I have to start another thread about that. Once again thanks.