View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Lockup after a few hours a few times ad day on 2.3 Build 204

31-01-12, 18:57

Installed 2.3 Build 204 from scratch on my Duo yesterday.
Did everything from scratch (bootloader, image, settings and epg.)
But yesterday evening, this morning and again this evening the box locked up totally.
Picture froze but sound continued.
On all occasions there was no one even watching TV (tv was even off) or doing any recordings.
Remote stopped working and telnet or SMB not working.
Twas the first time Ive not been able to even telnet to the box when it fails.

To get it all back Ive gone back to a backup of 2.3 build 133.
I will see if that one stops locking up.
There is no crash log and I didnt have logs enabled.

Any one else see this issue.

31-01-12, 21:10
What file system is your HDD? Ext 3 or 4?

31-01-12, 21:16
Harddisk and USB are EXT3.

31-01-12, 21:49
Try converting to EXT4 after a fresh re-flash, or better still re-initialize if possible.

31-01-12, 23:39
Will get to it at the weekend.
I did a backup of the clean install on Build 204, would it be ok to reinstall that and convert or re-initalise the disk.
Whats the issue with EXT3 and Build 204. How can it lock up the box without even telnet working.
If that doesnt work ok can I go back to build 133 with EXT4 formatted HDD or am I snookered.

Try converting to EXT4 after a fresh re-flash, or better still re-initialize if possible.

Rob van der Does
01-02-12, 14:55
Actually there's hardly any difference between Ext3 & 4. The only thing is, that Ext4 is faster in deleting large files. Which is of no importance to us, as we have a trashcan in use.
The only issue that might be HDD-related, is that if the box finds it necessary to fcheck the HDD, that will take a lot of time. And that is done during boot, so it may look like the box doesn't boot. We've had a few cases where this happened on every boot: in that case it would be best to reformat the disk. And if you do that, why not use the newest file-system (= Ext4).