View Full Version : [VU+ Uno] EPG only shows current and next programme.

30-01-12, 17:49
Whatever I try I cant get the EPG to show more than the current and coming programme on any channel on my box.
Anyone know what to do?


30-01-12, 17:54
Crossepg guide here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?15585-How-to-setup-Crossepg-in-all-ViX-Images

30-01-12, 17:59
Yeah I've done that to but without any improvments

30-01-12, 18:07
I'm usign rytec-sweden xmltv as provider stored on my harddrive but no settings seems to do much difference

30-01-12, 18:23
Try disabling the rytec source and selecting the same source in xepgdb sources.

30-01-12, 19:11
Already tried that. It's strange. With the original firmware without any extra epg-stuff I got two dags and now only two programs

Mr. Mister
30-01-12, 20:06
Just noticed i got something similar..

Only a few channels with the full 7 day epg..

But all main channels only have now and next..

Discovery HD has now and next.. Yet Discovery +1 has the full 7 day guide..

Its a weird one.. thats for sure..

hope they get to the bottom of this..