View Full Version : 2x sata hard drives installed 3.5tb, can I play from 1 and record to the other ?

29-01-12, 17:34
Im using a recent Blackhole image on my vu+duo, and have 1 hdd 1.5 tb installed externally to Esata, and I have now istalled a second 2tb HDD internally to SATA. Both are mounted and working, and the box can see both drives. One is mounted to SDA1 and the other is SDB1 and both are /media/HDD. My problem is I can only use one drive at a time, but want to use both.

My 1.5tb esata external drive is full, so I want to be able to record to the new internal drive, but still be able to play back films from my external drive. This does not seem possible as I can only use one drive at a time. I do this by changing the mount point of one of the drives to a different setting, and then the remaining drive is the one in use. For example:
My Esata external HDD is mounted to /media/cf -- I cannot record to this drive or see the content to play back.
My Sata internal HDD is mounted to /media/hdd -- I can see content on this drive, play and record to it.

When I put them both drives on /media/hdd, I can only record and playback from one of the drives, Im not sure how the system decides which drive that will be, perhaps it to do with SDA1 and SDB1, I guess it sees SDA1 first ?

Im sure its probable a simple fix for someone that knows, but its driving me mad, that every time I want to playback off one HDD I have to change the mount points !!

Can anyone tell me if its possible to use both drives at the same time, or am I fighting a looseing battle ?


29-01-12, 17:40
set yr new rive as Media/hdd and that will be yr recording drive

yr full one set that as media hdd2 and you can then browse to it and play recordings just fine

in timers you can even select that drive to record to if you want

default is media/hdd

29-01-12, 18:16
Thanks for your quick response Silverfox,
I dont have that option in my mount points (media/hdd2) So I guess I have to create it in DCC ?

Can you tell me how to create media/hdd so I can mount my old drive for browsing ?

Your help is much appreciated,


29-01-12, 18:20
tbh im not sure how its done in blackhole but im sure there is a mount point management section in the image

as for VIX that has a mount point management section if you wanna try VIX

30-01-12, 17:47
I cannot work it out in my current Blackhole image, and can still only access 1 drive at a time, cannot even browse the other. Wasnt planning on changing image, as I quite like Blackhole, but may consider if I cannot get it to work. Does any one else know how to mount a 2nd hard drive on BH image ?

Is any one else successfully using 2 hard drives at the same time ?

Any help is much appreciated,


31-01-12, 02:54
i cant garuntee this will work but ftp into /etc/

and open fstab file

add this line

/dev/sdb1 /media/hdd2 auto defaults 0 0

in red change that to what yr second drive is it may not always be sdb2 but that should be the common one

considering yr first drive is sda1

telenet in and do command
df that should tell you

01-02-12, 00:26
Hey Silverfox,
I entered the lines you suggested, and it seems to have worked as I can now browse and record to both drives. Big thanks for all your help !!!


01-02-12, 00:29
glad yr sorted mate

but i still suggest trying VIX