View Full Version : Would like to design a xbmc style skin for vix but theres limitations

28-01-12, 13:50
Hiya guys ive been designing a skin for some time based loosly on xbmc, but ive come aross limitations on what you can do with certain <screens> i.e the quickepg and the movieselection, as they use the list element you cant seem to change the text size or the textbox etc as these elements seem to be controlled by the image and not the skin.xml file even if you put the Font="Regular;28" serviceItemHeight="36" it doesnt change anything, you can obviously change the scale for the font used but this just makes it wider and distorts other items that use this font.

Couple of screenshots below first is what i get and the second is a mockup


Mockup below


Im hoping to get a skin out soon but wud like to implement the above if possible.

Rob van der Does
28-01-12, 14:30
Have a look in the skin.xml of Magic-HD and see how I changed those items.

28-01-12, 14:52
yes ive downloaded it but in the quickepg screen you have:

<widget name="list" position="220,115" size="850,50" backgroundColor="secondBG" transparent="1" zPosition="1" foregroundColor="foreground" font="Regular;24" />

You can change the font size to what ever you want i.e 28 etc but it doesnt do anything when you refresh the skin, this is what i wud love to change , just think it would open it up for more adventorous skins.

28-01-12, 18:13
Looks nice markus625, keep at it. Look forward to seeing the finished skin :) If you get stuck anywhere I'm Rob or Andy wont mind steering you in the right direction ;)

28-01-12, 18:29
Looks great mate, cant wait to see this :D

28-01-12, 18:43
No one got any ideas on how to increase the font size for the quickepg then i wonder...

28-01-12, 18:44
nope sorry quick epg is vix thing done by andyblac and only he can answer

i suggest keep it default and work the skin around it

28-01-12, 18:58
No one got any ideas on how to increase the font size for the quickepg then i wonder...

i will code it for you, give me a few days ;)

Rob van der Does
28-01-12, 19:27
yes ive downloaded it but in the quickepg screen you have:

<widget name="list" position="220,115" size="850,50" backgroundColor="secondBG" transparent="1" zPosition="1" foregroundColor="foreground" font="Regular;24" />

You can change the font size to what ever you want i.e 28 etc but it doesnt do anything when you refresh the skin, this is what i wud love to change , just think it would open it up for more adventorous skins.
Yep, you're right there. But the movielist you can change.

28-01-12, 21:12
some mockups of what i wud like to create for infobar and secondinfobar, obviously i would like the quickepg to be the same font size as the infobar to keep it looking the same.

Main thing is to keep it unclutered with just the info you want to see.


28-01-12, 23:40
cant wait to see this:thumbsup:

29-01-12, 00:52
Hopefully the epg could look similar to this mockup.


29-01-12, 04:45
Very smart looking skin, best of luck for it :thumbsup:

Rob van der Does
29-01-12, 06:18
some mockups of what i wud like to create for infobar and secondinfobar, obviously i would like the quickepg to be the same font size as the infobar to keep it looking the same.
Indeed: makes me wonder how I managed to achieve that (in Magic-HD all three are indeed the same).

Main thing is to keep it unclutered with just the info you want to see.
Good to read that: that's the spirit!

Rob van der Does
29-01-12, 06:21
Hopefully the epg could look similar to this mockup.
Are you sure you want the 'VU+' in there? That would make the skin useless for other boxes. And you can be pretty sure the user knows already what box he's using :)

29-01-12, 10:46
Are you sure you want the 'VU+' in there? That would make the skin useless for other boxes. And you can be pretty sure the user knows already what box he's using :)

Its only a mockup would probably have something like a vix logo up there.

29-01-12, 11:55
This could be the epg,


29-01-12, 14:13
A few more ideas that im working on, by the way its all based on the welo xbmc skin which im trying to adapt.


29-01-12, 15:24
This would be the movieplay and pvrstate screens when completed, keeping the same theme.


29-01-12, 17:43
one thing i wanna ask is what skin is this modeled from as i dont recognise it

although looks nice

29-01-12, 18:56
one thing i wanna ask is what skin is this modeled from as i dont recognise it

although looks nice

Ive tried to base it on welo xbmc skin link here Welo skin (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=102199)

29-01-12, 19:06
Looks good - I do like the Xmbc skins and I switch between Confluence, Aeon and Welo every so often on my PC's
I will look forward to trying yours out when its finished :thumbsup:

29-01-12, 19:07
Ive tried to base it on welo xbmc skin link here Welo skin

now i see the reselmblance

how bout a confluence skin

29-01-12, 19:09
now i see the reselmblance

how bout a confluence skin

Let him get this 1 finished first mate ;)

29-01-12, 19:11
Let him get this 1 finished first mate ;)


you feeling alright

suggestions dont mean i am asking instantly

29-01-12, 19:13
Agree with Silverfox a confluence skin would be awesome but it can wait :cool:

29-01-12, 19:13

you feeling alright

suggestions dont mean i am asking instantly

No I know you were not meaning right now, I was mearly suggesting let him finish this skin first, before giving him others to think about :thumbsup:

29-01-12, 19:30
You would never get something that works just like a xbmc skin as enigma would support it, i did read somewhere that xbmc are designing a gui for enigma VU+ etc.

29-01-12, 20:22
The trouble with most xbmc skins is the small fonts they use, they look great on a pc monitor but hard to read on tv In the lounge that's 10 feet away from ur couch, it's a Pity we can't have horizontal menus and animation effects in are skins, it wud be great if the skin could pull down tv/movie info from thetvdb or themoviedb or imdb for programmes on the fly, so u wud get the movie poster for a film on sky movies or the canary for fringe on sky 1 etc, all this could be done behind the scenes and integrated into the epg info etc, but don't know if all that's possible to code.

29-01-12, 23:00
The trouble with most xbmc skins is the small fonts they use, they look great on a pc monitor but hard to read on tv In the lounge that's 10 feet away from ur couch, it's a Pity we can't have horizontal menus and animation effects in are skins, it wud be great if the skin could pull down tv/movie info from thetvdb or themoviedb or imdb for programmes on the fly, so u wud get the movie poster for a film on sky movies or the canary for fringe on sky 1 etc, all this could be done behind the scenes and integrated into the epg info etc, but don't know if all that's possible to code.

not sor satellite its not the way to go EPG is the best for it

as for annimations then no cant be done OE cant handle that

30-01-12, 13:06
Run into a small problem that i have to solve in the mockup above there the infobar_bg with the progress-bar background on top followed by the progressbar which is blue, now ive coded this and the blue progress bar looks transparent as you can see the tv image thru it.
Any ideas where im going wrong.
Code below.

<screen name="InfoBar" flags="wfNoBorder" position="0,0" size="1280,720" title="InfoBar" backgroundColor="transparent">
<ePixmap position="0,515" size="1280,149" pixmap="XBMC_test/images/infobar-bg-fs8.png" alphatest="on" zPosition="1"/>
<ePixmap position="305,541" size="620,51" pixmap="XBMC_test/images/title_progress_bar_bk-fs8.png" alphatest="on" zPosition="2" />
<widget source="session.Event_Now" render="Progress" pixmap="XBMC_test/images/title_progress_bar_front-fs8.png" position="305,541" size="620,51" zPosition="3" transparent="1" backgroundColor="infobar-bkgrnd" >
<convert type="EventTime">Progress</convert>
<widget source="session.Event_Now" render="Label" position="342,544" size="425,40" zPosition="4" halign="left" font="Robo-Regular; 30" backgroundColor="background" transparent="1" noWrap="1" valign="center" foregroundColor="white">
<convert type="EventName">Name</convert>

30-01-12, 14:05
Another problem to i have is with the transparent picons when i place the picon the picon is transparent to the tv image and not the infobar ive tried changes the althatest to either off/on/blend but it is not trabsparent with the infobar which is what i want.

<widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Picon" position="44,544" size="210,60" zPosition="3" transparent="0" alphatest="off">
<convert type="ServiceName">Reference</convert>

Rob van der Does
30-01-12, 14:12
Run into a small problem that i have to solve in the mockup above there the infobar_bg with the progress-bar background on top followed by the progressbar which is blue, now ive coded this and the blue progress bar looks transparent as you can see the tv image thru it.
Any ideas where im going wrong.
Code below.
I gues you've been playing around with 'transparent="1"' set to '0' and or 'alphatest="on"' ?

Another problem to i have is with the transparent picons when i place the picon the picon is transparent to the tv image and not the infobar ive tried changes the althatest to either off/on/blend but it is not trabsparent with the infobar which is what i want.
If I understand you correctly you want the same as has been done in Magic-HD. Did you have a look there?

30-01-12, 14:40
Well i get something like this, could do a screenshot as its not working but this mockup shows whats happening with the picon.

After some playing around ive found that the original size of the picon is 100x60 and i had enlarged it in code to size="210,60" and i noticed that once i had increased the size the transparency would then show thru but didnt when at its original size which i find very strange, not sure whats going on there.

30-01-12, 16:16
Any ideas on how to display the day i.e Monday or display the Month or the date i.e 30 instead of 30/01/12

Would like to have on one Line Reading Monday and a secondline reading January 30 for example but not sure of the formating.

Found out by looking at a few skins

Format:%B %e = January 30
Format:%A = Monday

Now thats sorted any idea how to get the time in 12 hour clock and display AM/PM instead of the 24 hour clock.

30-01-12, 18:17
My god managed to get the infobar <screen> completed today the only think differant from the mockup is that the clock doesnt have the am/pm but its in 24hour mode, also my mockup was taking the picon 100x60 and increasing the size by 100% but the picon then appears transparent with the tv picture showing thru for some reason.

30-01-12, 20:16
Look forward to see te updates :D great work so far mate

30-01-12, 20:32
Took me aday just to do the infobar, some learning to do...

30-01-12, 20:48
Uve done pretty well mate, its all a learning curve anyway and ull only get better :d

Rob van der Does
30-01-12, 21:05
Took me aday just to do the infobar, some learning to do...
LOL, creating Magic-HD from scratch took me literally hundreds of hours.......

31-01-12, 14:57
Great job!! we like this style.. :)


14-02-12, 11:13
Only For Great job !!!! :zoom: