View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] sound issue

25-01-12, 18:30
Hi i have vu +duo with vix image 2.3 release 190 drivers 18/01/2012 and when i start watching a video file using the show media button on the remote I get no sound and have to restart the file and then when i change back to a tv channel i get no sound and have to change channel up or down and then back to the channel i want to watch this only started happening since i flashed the 2.3 with kernel 3.1.1

how can i cure this annoying fault


27-01-12, 02:48
what codec is the media file yr playing

some codecs dont play well on these

27-01-12, 15:40
It does play the media file after i stop the file and then start it again but the problem also happens when changing from the media file i finished playing and go back to a tv channel so it is not a problem with the codec

Rob van der Does
01-02-12, 07:57
Can you tell us if you still experience this using the latest update (build 2.3-204)?
And as Silverfox stated: many problems can be traced down to incompatible coded files (especially files 'found' on the internet).

02-02-12, 17:31
hi rob last night i was watching a film and had to pause it when i resumed play there was no sound so i stopped play back and selected a new channel and the sound came back on so i then reselected the film and was able to continue watching with sound I have updated to 204