View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Long Red

24-01-12, 23:37
Hi all,
Got my first harmony remote today (a 700), not sure what I think of it yet but presume I'll like it after taking time to set it up the way I want...
Anyway, I wanted to set the Info button on it to display the current program info (2 x OK on VU remote or long red) & I noticed the long red is no longer working on VIx 2.3 build 190.
I can set it to do the 2 ok presses, but then I get the first ok screen for a second & then the screen I want.
I'd prefer to skip the first OK screen with the button, so previous builds long red would be perfect.

It it just me or a known bug?

Rob van der Does
25-01-12, 12:56
Current program info is on 2 X OK, so skip the long-red.

25-01-12, 13:08
Current program info is on 2 X OK, so skip the long-red.

Thanks Rob, didn't it used to be log red too? actually, just checked the release notes & see it should be.

Any tips on how I would get the current program info using one button press on a harmony 700?

Rob van der Does
25-01-12, 13:37
The 700 allows for Macro's, or 'sequences' as Logitech calles them. So a macro of 2 X OK would do the trick.

25-01-12, 14:12
The 700 allows for Macro's, or 'sequences' as Logitech calles them. So a macro of 2 X OK would do the trick.

That's exactly what I did but as I said in the first post, this gives me the first info screen for a second, then the screen I want.
I want to go straight to the second info screen on one button push.
Any other ideas?

Rob van der Does
25-01-12, 14:18
There's simply no direct access to that screen.
But I read from your post that you could gain a lot by lowering the timings of your 700, so that the second OK will be sent much earlier. By default all timings for Harmony's are for too large for our STB's.

25-01-12, 14:44
Thanks Rob, I'll give that a try.

31-01-12, 03:05
Rob, I'm getting to like the harmony 700, I've reduced the timings to 0, but still the up/down in the channel lists seem slow.
I love it for the watch TV & turn all off - functions but other than that, I tend to go back to the original VU remote as the middle circle buttons just work fast & are bigger.
Any other tips for this remote VU wise?

Also, as for my original query, wanting program info on one button press. With latest VIX, build 204, the new quick EPG (right/left circle button) would be perfect but I don't want to use right for the quide button on the remote.
Andy, any chance of adding this to long red again or is it just me that long red doesn't work for anymore?

Love the 204 build by the way, fantastic work as usual guys.

Rob van der Does
31-01-12, 05:57
Which software do you use for the 700? There the Harmony Remote software (vs; that has to be installed on your PC) and there's a web base version (http://myharmony.com/). The first allows for more control then the second.
In the software: Adjust Delays --> set Inter-key Delay & Input Delay to 100 ms

If you want to, you could PM me your account and I could have a look into it.
I use the Harmony's as in my footer, and don't experience what you are saying.

As for you other question: In build 204 Quick-EPG has been updated to show extended info as well. Both the ViX (Day & Night) skins and Magic-HD have been adapted to that. This implies that on arrow right or left Quick-EPG opens (on the channel you're on) and displays the available info. On Exit OSD disappears. So the one-button-info is there already.

Attached an example of how this one-button-description can look like (skin dependant: example shows Magic-HD).

31-01-12, 08:00
You're problem of long red is likely a harmony problem... I get exactly the same problem on both my 525 and 650. You can see the signal being sent, and on colour buttons, the signal is cut short. But, on ok button, it keeps sending until you stop it.

Emailed logitech about this, and didn't get a useful response. But haven't had time to follow it up yet...

But it's weird, as Andy and rob don't have this problem on their remotes : confused:

Sent with Tapatalk

Rob van der Does
31-01-12, 09:02
Well, actually OP problem is that the box doesn't have a long-red command: he would like long-red to show eventview.
He already used a macro assigned to long-red (= 2 X OK), but he doesn't like the infobar popping up in between.
So the second option would be my suggestion to use Quick-EPG for the purpose.

31-01-12, 13:05
Hi Rob, It's the PC based software I'm using, will play a bit more with it, just a pain to have to boot a windows PC to do it.
Your Magic-HD skin is looking fantastic by the way, well done.

pooface, the long red doesn't work for me on the original VU remote either, did up till some builds ago but not on any of the recent builds.

31-01-12, 15:32
Sorry, was early in the morning ... mis-read the thread. Altho non of the long colour buttons are working for me :( Need to try and get back in touch with logitech about it when I get time :p

Rob van der Does
31-01-12, 18:25
..... Altho non of the long colour buttons are working for me :( Need to try and get back in touch with logitech about it when I get time :p
I don't get that: I never had that problem with any button on any Harmony.

31-01-12, 18:41
I don't get that: I never had that problem with any button on any Harmony.

Same here, long press coloured buttons work perfect for me on the Harmony 700, well all except red.

31-01-12, 18:51
Hi pooface,
long button down only works in activities. I never had problems and I also have no problem with long red in 204:-)


02-02-12, 09:09
If I remeber well, I had to contact Logitech helpdesk to enable long color buttons for devices. They will enable it then in your database.

Rob van der Does
02-02-12, 09:35
If I remember well, I had to contact Logitech helpdesk to enable long color buttons for devices. They will enable it then in your database.
This shouldn't be the case: on all my Harmony's long-buttons work out-of-the-box, both in device and in activity mode.
Nevertheless: if they don't, or you have any other problem, writing an e-mail to the helpdesk from within your account often helps solving a problem.

02-02-12, 11:57
In devices my ultimo does not support out of the box long color button...
It did in the past for the duo(after helpdesk) , but after setting it up for Ultimo..no long color push in device-mode works.

Rob van der Does
02-02-12, 12:15
I hope you don't use the webinterface for setting up your 600, but the Harmony Remote Software 7.7?
That allows for a number of timing changes; that might do the trick.
Anyway: works for me.

02-02-12, 12:19
Yes Pc software.

Just tested and added extra devices. I tested duo/uno and ultimo and still in device mode...no long color supported.

As i had several years ago I had to contact Logitechsupport and they enabled it for me in my database, which is lost due to reprogramming I assume.

But okay i use activity mode and then it works.

02-02-12, 12:29
for the long press option a Duration-Option must be activated by the support and they usually do it for the power button only. I am also quite sure that a long press did not work for me in devices. With the delays you can only decide how often a button will be pressed in a certain amount of time. This is a totally different situation.


02-02-12, 12:32
I could learn RAW and the it worked in device mode.

02-02-12, 12:41
odd, long presses work for me, only issue i have is long red on the harmony & original duo remote.

02-02-12, 12:59
Hi judge,
when you have the same problem with the original RC then it must be one of your plugins or settings which filters the long red.


Rob van der Does
02-02-12, 13:23
for the long press option a Duration-Option must be activated by the support and they usually do it for the power button only. I am also quite sure that a long press did not work for me in devices. With the delays you can only decide how often a button will be pressed in a certain amount of time. This is a totally different situation.
May all be very well the case, but long-buttons work for me on all my Harmony's out of the box. So I find it strange that this apparently is not the case for every one.

02-02-12, 13:24
Hi judge,
when you have the same problem with the original RC then it must be one of your plugins or settings which filters the long red.


It's a fresh install, no settings back-ups or anything. Has happened with the last few releases of VIX, not sure which build the problem started with though.

Rob van der Does
02-02-12, 14:20
It's a fresh install, no settings back-ups or anything. Has happened with the last few releases of VIX, not sure which build the problem started with though.
There is simply no command associated with long-red in ViX; not sure if that's ever been the case.

02-02-12, 14:35
There is simply no command associated with long-red in ViX; not sure if that's ever been the case.

Hi Rob,

Button Mappings

Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
Long Red*** - Show current event.

from the release thread (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?14236-Vu-Duo-ViX-2-3-(Linux-3-1-1)-Image-Release-s).

It definately worked for me on earlier builds, not sure what build it stopped working on.

Rob van der Does
02-02-12, 14:37
Hi Rob,
from the release thread (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?14236-Vu-Duo-ViX-2-3-(Linux-3-1-1)-Image-Release-s).
It definately worked for me on earlier builds, not sure what build it stopped working on.
Ahh, good find, thanks. Never too old to learn .......
I'll report this as a bug.

Rob van der Does
02-02-12, 16:27
Just learned that long-red is set to activate HBBTV. We must have missed this one for the release threads.

In a future release several more buttons will be user-adaptable; long-red will probably be one of them.

02-02-12, 16:47
Thanks for the update Rob, atleast now I know I'm not going crazy & it did work for Show current event once...

Rob van der Does
02-02-12, 16:55
Naahh, ViX doesn't make you crazy :cool:

02-02-12, 19:01
Hi Rob,
it seems that ViX handles long presses a bit different then normal E2. It works in device mode (EPG + OK tested) but real long presses like power toggle doesn´t work in device mode and you need activity there. Tested with 785.
