View Full Version : cant work receiver

24-01-12, 11:04
Hi people,
Got a new VU+Duo delivered yesterday pre-loaded with vix firmware, nice looking machine,but its way over my head i dont understand this "flashing" at start up.
I done a scan think ive configured dish properly as loads of channels detected, but on epg i can only access a limited amount.
Is there an idiot proof guide to working VU+ box ?
I dont know how to access enigma or the linux stuff, even how to download onto it is it via router or laptop through usb.
Sorry to sound such a thick c***, but back to the sky box today, been reading posts & threads but its out of my depth, pity coz ive heard so much good stuff about them.
Any help please, once you have stopped pissin yourself laughing :confused:

24-01-12, 11:07
Here's a good place to start http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?213-Basic-newbie-setup-procedure-for-VU-Duo-for-Dummies

Dbedit guide http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?623-How-to-send-save-Enigma-Settings-to-the-VUDuo-using-DBEdit

Enigma 2 settings http://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?21-Enigma-2-Settings

24-01-12, 11:11
Thank You will spend a bit of time on that

24-01-12, 11:18
My advice is concentrate on one problem at a time, when you mastered that move on to the next issue.
Also keep notes as they are invaluable when you start out.
Good luck and I am sure you will get all the help you need here.

24-01-12, 11:24
as for your EPG problem go to the settings for EPG and activate some alternate methods like freesat or MHW depending where you live.


24-01-12, 11:30
Crossepg guide http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?14373-How-to-setup-Crossepg-in-all-ViX-Images

Start off by setting up to view free to air channels.

24-01-12, 14:46
aah, i done everything up to last step (14) and it failed saying check configuration !!
I have double plug from sat box on wall and using the double cable that came with sky HD box, and have cable in LNB1 the other in LNB 2 of vu box, but tried set up as single, loopthrough, basicly every option, do i need just one single cable from sat box on wall going into LNB 1 socket on vu box ? I did say i was going to be hard work lol seriously though i aint got a clue. I appreciate your patience

24-01-12, 15:04
If you have shotgun (double cable) coming into the receiver already then you should have both Tuner A and Tuner B set up as Simple-->Single-->28.2.

24-01-12, 16:09
Big thank you mate, thats bang on. just trying to get crossepg now, I dare say after all the frustration and set up it will be a great box

24-01-12, 16:32
It takes a bit of getting used to at first but they really are fantastic machines when you get up and running! Any questions then keep posting, you will get great help on this forum!

24-01-12, 20:57
All I can say is you have come to the right place to get info and help.I do like my VU+Duo and once you get to grips with yours you will also.

25-01-12, 15:09
Easier said than done mate, I cant even understand this flashing at start up, never mind how to download stuff into receiver. I will
need to do a lot of reading posts & threads to learn how it works its more complex than I thought it would be. A lot of money for something thats back in its box, got my sky box connected again :( Maybe get to grips with it one day I hope :smash:

Rob van der Does
25-01-12, 15:49
My advice is concentrate on one problem at a time, when you mastered that move on to the next issue.
I think that's the best advise for newbies: step-by step.
So first tuner config, then settings(download). After those steps you can watch TV and go deeper.

25-01-12, 16:45
Hi chrisybhoy,

Where had you gotten to when you gave up?

It will take a bit of patience but as Rob says, one step at a time and when you hit a problem then stick a question up in this forum and you will get an answer.

Stay with it, things are only ever daunting the first time around...


25-01-12, 22:57
Stick with it mete. I'm a total linux novice but I managed to get my receiver up and running within a day and it is working a treat now! Granted, I did a lot of reading before I bought but if you take it step by step and use the tutorials and threads here and @ Digital Kaos I'm sue you will be fine. Maybe if yo let us know where you are up to someone could help.


25-01-12, 23:32
Easier said than done mate, I cant even understand this flashing at start up, never mind how to download stuff into receiver. I will
need to do a lot of reading posts & threads to learn how it works its more complex than I thought it would be. A lot of money for something thats back in its box, got my sky box connected again :( Maybe get to grips with it one day I hope :smash:

Take it out mate and play with it, it will take time but you will get there.

My first Linux box I was sitting there wondering why the pic was not showing and had to ring up the supplier and discovered you have to specify sats in the tuner:D:D:D

Come a little along the road since than but only way your going to learn is to start using it. If you get stuck plenty of help on the forums here.

27-01-12, 11:44
I will spend a bit of time playing with it, as you say its only alien cause ive always been used to plug n play

27-01-12, 12:18
Basically you have a little computer with a couple of satellite tuners. They are very adaptable but defo not plug n play. You mentioned trouble with the epg, this needs to be configured. Firstly you need a storage device to store the data. A hard drive or USB stick, have you got any of these attached to the duo?

Then you need to tell crossepg where to store the data. Go to the crossepg menu and select configure. Toggle the storage device tab to select whatever you have. Press red to go back to main menu. You will now see a list of "Provider types" . Presently I'm using OpenTv to get my uk epg. If you select OpenTv providers then go to sky uk OpenTv Astra 28.2, press ok and a green tick will appear. For an instant download you can now press the yellow button. Let it do it's stuff and exit out when it's says it's done and check your epg.

Rob van der Does
29-01-12, 12:43
I will spend a bit of time playing with it, as you say its only alien cause ive always been used to plug n play
And the result is now........?

29-01-12, 15:07
send me a pm me if you are still stuck if you are in the glasgow area m8

29-01-12, 15:17
Like others said abit annoying when new, but hey i can setup one up in 8 minutes now no issues.
Anyway regardless where you live is irrelevant.
Because all you need is teamviewer and live messenger to have a voice call.
If you have these, send me your msn/live messenger addy and i will gladly help you and get your baby running.
It's sunday, my car is gleaming lol and now having a chill day and i do not mind helping other's out, afterall as someone said prior, this is an excellent forum for help which there are many many members whom are alwys on hand to help you out and make you feel part of the family.
Shame a lot of other forums are not like one.

02-02-12, 14:03
Very much appreciate your offer of help,the members here are amazing regards helping each other I suppose they have been there !
I dont have msn or messenger, I am so keen to learn how to get full benefits from my duo box, Im going to spend tommorow and if need be the weekend to get this up and running. Ive sussed the flash bit on a stick so thats a start, going back to start as getting configure probs, probably missing the obvious n i cant see it ;-]

02-02-12, 14:08
Thanks mate, Im in the East-end of glasgow will pm you really appreciate your help

03-02-12, 17:59
Yip Im up n running, I was not getting past configuration, but read replys and some posts and i was on wrong satellite :o
not got many channels tho, time for more reading through forum board, thanks for your help

07-02-12, 08:47
Now you need to see if you can do faster than me :D

09-02-12, 15:10
Ha,ha, I will crack the jokes lol. Not had much time to play with box, im looking now to get more channels, learn to connect receiver to pc through ethernet