View Full Version : Just bought a VU+ Duo, couple of questions

14-01-12, 21:55
My VU+ Duo arrived today, following threads on the forum i managed to install a HDD and set-up the EPG and a skin.

I can access my box using the openwebif at http://ip : port and the streaming works perfectly well.

However i've seen that you can set it up with tuxbox on XBMC, I've followed the instructions on the forums and tried to get it working however it just states that it cannot connect to the network location on tuxbox://ip : port

I saw somewhere that i needed to install tuxbox on the VU+ Duo, i searched the extensions on the box and found it and installed it (not sure if it needs activating afterwards or setting up? i couldn't find it after install). Then tried on the XBMC again but still no luck.

Anyone have any ideas?

Also I know there are apps for iPhone/iPad such as the vu+ player and iStreamGate which also show EPG infomation, just wondering if anything similar is available for PC or Mac?

Thanks! :thumbsup:

15-01-12, 21:09
Managed to get it working by installing webinf-old

Also tried the plugin by Rehnmark on XBMC forums which also works - http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=23834&page=63