View Full Version : Internet streams working in ordinary channel bouquet?

12-01-12, 19:59
Someone from openpli forum is claiming that outside streams are working in E2 bouquets.
Here is example (stream is working in VLC -

#SERVICE 1:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//

You also need to get SID. In this case this is bolded number (1). You need to use TS Reader software. You get this info in software:
PAT Version Number: 4
Transport Stream ID: 8102 (0x1fa6)
PMT PID 66 (0x0042) - Program 1

SID (Program 1) is 1...

Problem is that this isnt working, but he claims its working without any problems. Anyone else tried something like this? This could be great for IPTV, but i dont have it.