View Full Version : can someone check these setting please

08-01-12, 08:16
Just to see if my advanced tuner 1 is set up correct, been having trouble moving
dish, moves on goto 0 but not through norm settings.
How does this look.



08-01-12, 08:22
rather than trying to take a photo of the screen do a screen grab.

Tutorial - How to make a screenshot / dump from your satellite receiver
http://www.world-of-satellite.com/sh...llite-receiver (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?12554-Tutorial-How-to-make-a-screenshot-dump-from-your-satellite-receiver)

This way we can see clearly exactly what your settings are.

08-01-12, 11:24
I looked for that before i left for work this morning but never saw it...check that
out when i get it in...thanks can u not make them out like that..just checked
that screen grab....i'm in work and not it to later prob be to knackered to try it..

I can see those setting but mate surley you can, if you dont wanna look at them
fair enough that only tells me one thing...


08-01-12, 11:43
those settings you have will fix it on the Astra sat you have put in there, set it to Simple, Positioner and enter your lat and long,

08-01-12, 14:05
I will try that set up again but it was not moving with that either, dunno much about firmware but done a lot of reading saw firmware mentioned. It should move just from bouquet to bouque but i have to go to 0 or satfinder where the motor moves no problem. I just saw ma mans sig above....aye rite....lol. scottish people dont get offended....we got gubs to.....that can bring statues to tears....thanks for lookin at ..

08-01-12, 14:13
I will try that set up again but it was not moving with that either, dunno much about firmware but done a lot of reading saw firmware mentioned. It should move just from bouquet to bouque but i have to go to 0 or satfinder where the motor moves no problem. I just saw ma mans sig above....aye rite....lol. scottish people dont get offended....we got gubs to.....that can bring statues to tears....thanks for lookin at ..

No worries bud, let us know how you get on. as for my sig well thats just me. it kind of pee's people off but i dont believe in lying to people i tell them how it is and that does not always go down so well. P.S i have a wee bit Scottish blood in me too.

08-01-12, 17:41
We're cool pheonix..well tried it on positioner, i new i had tried it already and its still not moving, the motors
lit and the cables are all correct...i dunno what to try next..im saving it at every turn...its an answer waiting
to be found....its working perfect except for this that vix 2.3 image is steady
Ive had 3 boxes connected to my dish a tm5400 then a dm500hd...the tm was usuals the dm advanced
ive got a 500s i suppose the only thing is to try and set that up motorised and try it...but man on man flashing
thems a pain, up to loft for old pc with correct connection because the usb adapters are crap...

08-01-12, 20:47
Why don't you use positioner? its so much easier using USALS and a motor bouquet like Vhannibals. I am a total noob to motor and been using it for a week or so and moves to the SAT selected and it was very easy to set uo.

All you need to do is go into the tuner with the motor on it and change it to simple, posiitoner and enter your lat and long.

08-01-12, 21:03
mapex : Just a thought, I had almost the same issue setting up my motorised yesterday (although ET9200), After much hair pulling I found if I set tuner 1 & 2 to 'not configured' (choose not to delete sats) restarted and then setup the motorised tuner1 as simple positioner, with tuner2 still disabled it worked fine. I then could enable tuner2 later without issue. Might be something to do with my noobish stumbling but it worked for me.

09-01-12, 07:03
I tried the postioner again i was sure i tried it before a few times, ill try that suggestion above when i get home later.....norm pretty good at settin up n the motor has the light on....patience

10-01-12, 07:07
Man o man....took a half days hol yesterday determined to get this fixed, ran a cable from
the motor into a bedroom just to try another cable and same thing, even stranger was it
was doing it with my dm500s. I though before it was the motor so replaced it then the LNB
and its a none runner.
Surley i can have both setting on 2 boxes wrong, the positoner setting is so easy to set up.

Then i got my old motor out which im sure is working and connected that, it moved the motor
for a few sats then stopped, tried that on the dm500s same thing moved it a few times then
stopped....gotta say sitting last night thinking about logic trying to figure it out and can get
an answer...even went for a blackhole image...same thing moves to 0 then to a sat but from
sky to 1w say it wont move anywhere after that....

Honest i aint got a clue....factory reset is about all i can think of.

10-01-12, 07:58
What models motors have you tried? If both same, could be e2 boxes aren't compatible with ur motor?! If diff, then u got a strange one, hehe

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10-01-12, 10:21
Both motors are technomate 2300 super, telling you sitting at home in my car and at work now trying to find the logical answer.....but its not arrived yet but you may be correct...

10-01-12, 11:46
This is how i flash my vu..send dish to 0....usb my vix image.....reboot....use wizard set up.....tuner a positioner add long lat......tuner b equal to a....add a channel list via dreambox edit...send to any bouquet and the dish should go.....it always does 1st time.....thanks for all help so far...

10-01-12, 11:50
When it stops, does it not move at all or is it it moves in a restricted arc?

I know some one who had a restricted arc issue and was pulling his hair out trying to fix it turned out U bracket bolts were hitting the pole and stopping the motor from moving in a full arc:p

Rob van der Does
10-01-12, 13:17
I know some one who had a restricted arc issue and was pulling his hair out trying to fix it turned out U bracket bolts were hitting the pole and stopping the motor from moving in a full arc:p
Someone we know? :whistle:

10-01-12, 13:19
Someone we know? :whistle:

I couldn't possibly divulge a confidence;):p

10-01-12, 14:36
I thought of something like that myself but its going to 30w to 28e from go to 0...if i do a factory reset and get it back to factory settings will factory settings move a motor so i can try that and see if it moves better. Thought it might be the cable from motor to vu but ruled that out after trying a different one.

10-01-12, 15:07
Well if it moves from zero to 28E but won't move after that it means 28E is the only satellite you have configured.

10-01-12, 16:30
It moves to any sat i select from 0 30w to 28e and anything in between its strange.

10-01-12, 17:36
Today connected my old motor to the vuduo with a short over the counter cable, it moved at least
20 times include going to 0, rebooted twice and it stilled moved to all sats even in sat finder..

Beginning to think it could be the cable but its getting a signal and moving to 0...mmm...well i'll swap
the cables tomorrow connect the lnb cable to the motor at add a cable --motor to lnb...just gotta keep
trying. The motor i used today is the one i was convinved was broken not 20 moves later im convinced
its ok..

10-01-12, 19:55
When you're creating your cable,are you sure you aren't. Shorting the connections? I.e. defo connecting the f-connector properly and not getting the braid to short...

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11-01-12, 18:51
Im positive my connections are ok..

Today or tonight in the dark....bought 10m cable connected to vu, through wall
up onto my dish and had high hopes it was gonna fix it...just as before
moves to 0 and then send it to 28e or 30w it moves but wont budge after that, 1 move only
except to go back to 0, even the satfinder which i thought was working never moved.
I trieds both positioner settings and advanced settings.
I think this rules out a cable fault, thought
I have pressed the reset button on the motor but gonna do that again..

Got my new 10m cable and connected it to the old motor i thought was broken it moved 20
times went to 0 and moved on satfinder at every turn, motor seems fine this was on
positioner setting on the vu with just long/lat.

So where does that leave me ?
The only thing i can think of now is to take down the dish and try both motors or maybe
take my old motor up connect it to the existing cable see if it moves, get that new 10m
cable get it up to my dish and see if it moves up there...logic logic there's norm logic involved
but my minds used all the logic there is...then take the new motor off and fit the older one,

Maybe......the new motor i have up is faulty and the motor i thought
was faulty was ok and maybe my settings were wrong, well i had just got the box...
dont think so ive got 3 linux boxes and sold a db500hd to buy the vu ..BUT..getting older

do motors have firmware ? just a thought...

Your doing well following this its brain zapping for me......

11-01-12, 19:41
Just a thought, wot size and type dish do you have? Maybe it's too heavy for the motor? Would explain why old motor didn't work with dish connected, but without, it does...

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13-01-12, 01:27
also another thing to consider as stanman had this issue was the u clamps

have you cut off the excess bolts as for stanman

they where hitting the pole at 30W and not allows dish to move further

13-01-12, 16:30
Well i could make an excuse like i took the motor to bits and oiled it then it
was ok but no i'm man enough to take a hit.....

TURN LIMITS OFF...when i hit the red button it turned them off and started working...

Feel i right fool missing that and when it was mentioned i thought the limits getting
mentioned were the limits you set on the motor never realised there was a button
to turn them off.
I never had a broken motor...feel a fool buying one and going through all this, wasting
all your time...i apologise for that..
Im just glad all is working again and its still a much better box than my old 500hd....

thanks all for there time even though i wasted it...feel free to call me idiot

1 last thing...when you press- turn limits off- does it do anything inside the motor ?
just thinking why did the older motor work while connected and without pressing
turn limits off...

13-01-12, 16:36

The older motor probably worked because the limits had been set, if you set up the limits on the new one rather than just turning them off it would probably be best.

14-01-12, 10:41
1 last thing...when you press- turn limits off- does it do anything inside the motor ?
just thinking why did the older motor work while connected and without pressing
turn limits off...Yes. With a DiSEqC motor both the hardware and software limits are stored by the motor, some of which come from the factory limited to 30º in either direction.

With an actuator and v-box the hard limits are stored in the actuator and the soft limits stored in the v-box.

Nothing is stored in the receiver except the DiSEqC 1.2 position number, and in the case of USALS the receiver works out the position on the fly every time you change satellites.