View Full Version : Online update issues AFTER successful ViX 2.3 (Linux 3.1.1) install

05-01-12, 01:39

I upgraded successfully the other day with Bootloader + USB, but have been having a lot of problems trying to get settled with the new image.

After upgrading I went and reinstalled all my old plugins from Vix 2.1.. IPcamViewer, EMC, CoolTVguide and was having nothing but hassles, had to reflash several times as I'd made backups along the way, but box would freeze in all kinds of places so that I could't access the image backups, even via ftp. So most of these problems are my own doing, I guess.

In the meantime I've kind of seen the error of my ways and am now showing the missus the VIX EPG, (she was just about used to the Coolguide), I've written to the IPCamViewer author to find out if he's doing a 3.1.1 compatible version, and I'm trying to make friends with the VIX movielist - not there yet.

Where I've found problems was when I tried to do a VIX online update to upgrade to the newest drivers, with nothing more than my settings loaded to the newly flashed image. I tried this a few times, once apparently successfuly, but within 5 mins everything had frozen up and I had to reflash again.

Also while I have got logs enabled, I've been getting very few actual errors as I've been familiar with in the past. With the new image, the box just seems to go on strike instead of crashing out + producing a log.
Am I missing a trick here?

05-01-12, 02:03
as you rightly said a lot of your issues are resulting from plugins that are not fully compatible with the 3.1.1 linux kernel, most of these plugins are closed source and as a result we can not repair them for the image but have wait for their respective authors to do it, if they so choose to do this that is.

The best solution for the time being is to flash a Virgin state ViX image ( best to use the latest version possible by downloading it from the image manager using the yellow button, i believe 161 is the latest public image available ) and do not restore backups that contain these plugins, although make sure you have any important configuration files etc backed up for safe keeping. then if it is necessary you can run a update via the blue button and load the newest Hardware drivers to the image etc.

if you need any help doing any part please let us know and we will help as much as possible.

05-01-12, 19:34
The best solution for the time being is to flash a Virgin state ViX image ( best to use the latest version possible by downloading it from the image manager using the yellow button

In VIX, image manager > yellow button = restore local image backups. Should be image manger > help button = download image. :tea:

07-01-12, 21:22
hi whats the GM one do ?, also once i got the latest build flashed, do i need to also FTP the latest drivers fix for recording etc ?


07-01-12, 22:13
In VIX, image manager > yellow button = restore local image backups. Should be image manger > help button = download image. :tea:

on my receivers ( Duo and Uno ) It's Blue button > ViX > image manager > Yellow button ( named downloads as this then connects to the ViX download server ) from there you will see a list of all available Images to download for your receiver and you can either press the ok button or the Green button to download which ever image you want.

hi whats the GM one do ?, also once i got the latest build flashed, do i need to also FTP the latest drivers fix for recording etc ?


The GM image stands for golden master, this was the first publicly released ViX 2.3 image. You can use the newer builds as they have all the bugfixes and drivers etc pre-installed. also to check what drivers you have click menu > information > about. The newest drivers are dated 2012-01-04.

also make sure if you decide to go for the linux 3.1.1 images ( build 153 and above i believe ) you load the new bootloader first as it's needed to load the linux 3.1.1 kernel.

08-01-12, 00:40
as you rightly said a lot of your issues are resulting from plugins that are not fully compatible with the 3.1.1 linux kernel, most of these plugins are closed source and as a result we can not repair them for the image but have wait for their respective authors to do it, if they so choose to do this that is.

The best solution for the time being is to flash a Virgin state ViX image ( best to use the latest version possible by downloading it from the image manager using the yellow button, i believe 161 is the latest public image available ) and do not restore backups that contain these plugins, although make sure you have any important configuration files etc backed up for safe keeping. then if it is necessary you can run a update via the blue button and load the newest Hardware drivers to the image etc.

if you need any help doing any part please let us know and we will help as much as possible.

Despite having been keeping pace with VIX upgrades for approx the past year, I found this upgrade a bit more traumatic than usual, mainly because of restoring a backup that contained plugin incompatibilities with the new image from my previous version.
I wonder would it be possible to have a separate backup for channel settings, as opposed to plugins, or sth that would allow for partial restore of individual bits?

08-01-12, 08:14
a settings backup between the old kernel and the new 3.1.1 kernel would not load any plugins back to the box but would load all your settings etc, It was designed like this so that you would have to re-install your plugins manually after loading the image.

As for channel settings you could use DBE or a similar settings editor to backup your current bouquets on your receiver regardless of the kernel version and transfer them back once the box has been flashed.

08-01-12, 18:09
on my receivers ( Duo and Uno ) It's Blue button > ViX > image manager > Yellow button ( named downloads as this then connects to the ViX download server ) from there you will see a list of all available Images to download for your receiver and you can either press the ok button or the Green button to download which ever image you want.

Must be a skin/image version thing. I'm running VIX 2.3 not the latest build 153 version with Magic-HD skin.