View Full Version : Project Valerie work on Vu Duo ViX 2.3 (Linux 3.1.1)?

04-01-12, 22:32
Hi folks,

I just flashed to the latest image and for some reson Project Valerie doesn't work.

When I install it and then exit the plugin's menu it throws an error about an invalid command line error.

Anyone get Project Valerie working on the new image?


04-01-12, 22:41
probably have to wait till Project Valerie team catches up with the move to Linux kernel 3.1.1

04-01-12, 22:44
Cheers, was thinking that might be the issue!

04-01-12, 22:45
Seem like a few plugins/addons/skins need reworking to work with the latest kernel 3.1.1

11-01-12, 21:21
Hi folks,

I got this response from the PV team...

Comment 1 by project member schischu65, Jan 6 (5 days ago) Valerie does not do anything with drivers, it uses the standard enigma2 ways to playback movies. So if something has to be adapted than its enigma2 and not valerie.

I assume this guy is wrong?


11-01-12, 21:31
No it's not the drivers from what i understand. the Fundamental way the image operates has changed due to the new kernel. so it's still their responsibility to repair or update their plugin.

11-01-12, 21:36
Cheers pheonix, I'll post a reply!

11-01-12, 22:05
It worked for me if I manually install, I have it running here on 2.3! (all be it on an ET9200 so not sure how that effects you guys on VU+)

I did something along the lines of....

Make sure there is no trace of PV left over from a previous version.
Move the files from /var/lib/opkg temporarily to another directory.
Download the mipsel_oe16.ipk file from the project valerie google code page.
Copy the file to your box via ftp.
Telnet to the box
Install with "opkg install <path to file>/project-valerie_<rev>_mipsel_oe16.ipk"
Move the files back from the temporary directory and into /var/lib/opkg
Restart box, and start project valerie.
Make sure not to use the auto update until the VIX feed is updated.

"(Important: do not install the package using "ipkg" since this might break your installation! Always install the package using "opkg" as shown above!)
Finally reboot Enigma2 - the Project Valerie assistant will guide you through the first steps. Project Valerie is now ready for use! "

.....Disclaimer: This worked for me, but I in NO WAY take responsibility for anything that happens if you try it, messing around like this can break things!!!!

11-01-12, 22:53
Not so lucky for me, my box in a loop of crashing and restarting :(

Now to try and remove!

11-01-12, 23:09
Is there an opkg remove project-valerie command??

If so, what would the PV name be called?

11-01-12, 23:14
You could try

opkg remove project-valerie*

btw PV is working for me on BlackHole with the new kernel.

11-01-12, 23:21
Thanks for that, I wil give that a try..

btw, How did you install it sonc? As described in the previous post?

11-01-12, 23:30
I think it is re-flash time.. The Duo doesn't start up at all now, gets to the Vix loading screen, then goes black and then back to loading screen...

Ah well, just wait for somebody to sort out PV and install it as normal.

Thanks for the help folks!

11-01-12, 23:40
How long did you leave it at loading screen, as mine took a good min on first boot. Again, mine was an ET9200 though, but would imagine it should work the same! You did make sure that any trace of an install from the plugin menu had been removed? Not sure what else to suggest, if I get a bit of time tomorrow and the missus isn't wanting to watch something I'll reset to factory and try again.

11-01-12, 23:58
Vix had already loaded and PV started with the wizard and then Vix would crash. This sequence would just keep repeating..

I think I had all traces of PV removed but not entirely sure.. I removed libraries from I think it was /usr/lib/enigma2/plugins/project-valerie/ and also the folder on my HDD.

Anything else that needed removing?

I have just reflashed anyway so I can make another stab at it before I restore everything...

12-01-12, 00:36
Just an update..

After I had reflashed Vix I decided to give this another bash with a clean system and what do yah know, all is working a treat now...

Happy days :D

Thanks for all the help lads :thumbsup:

12-01-12, 00:41
Glad you got it sorted in the end, If ok I won't wipe my box to try again then!! :)

There must of been something hanging around from an old install causing an issue. Fingers crossed somehow it can be packed up for the VIX feed, so people not confident with manual install can benfit too.

12-01-12, 00:49
Lol, I will not ask you to go through that hassle now..

I must have missed something alright, who knows :confused:

Anyway, thanks again for the help :thumbsup:

10-02-12, 22:48
It worked for me too, BUT I did not delete/move any directory... FYI

It worked for me if I manually install, I have it running here on 2.3! (all be it on an ET9200 so not sure how that effects you guys on VU+)

I did something along the lines of....

Make sure there is no trace of PV left over from a previous version.
Move the files from /var/lib/opkg temporarily to another directory.
Download the mipsel_oe16.ipk file from the project valerie google code page.
Copy the file to your box via ftp.
Telnet to the box
Install with "opkg install <path to file>/project-valerie_<rev>_mipsel_oe16.ipk"
Move the files back from the temporary directory and into /var/lib/opkg
Restart box, and start project valerie.
Make sure not to use the auto update until the VIX feed is updated.

"(Important: do not install the package using "ipkg" since this might break your installation! Always install the package using "opkg" as shown above!)
Finally reboot Enigma2 - the Project Valerie assistant will guide you through the first steps. Project Valerie is now ready for use! "

.....Disclaimer: This worked for me, but I in NO WAY take responsibility for anything that happens if you try it, messing around like this can break things!!!!

10-02-12, 23:05
I guess that means either the feed has been updated, or then your somehow running the older version, as if you leave those files in place it auto downloads the version from the feed.

Rob van der Does
11-02-12, 07:05
I guess that means either the feed has been updated....
On every update of the image (when you see the flashing 'updates available' icon), the feeds are also updated. This includes the latest version of Valerie.

11-02-12, 11:06
That's good news, that means there is no need to follow the steps detailed earlier any more then.

Rob van der Does
11-02-12, 13:30
That's good news, that means there is no need to follow the steps detailed earlier any more then.

There are two possible problems:
1- It is possible to update Valerie from within the plugin. That should never be done with the version from the feeds, as that mixes two versions;
2- It is possible that at the moment the ViX-image is build, the Valerie project just happened to have a 'bad day'. In that case the plugin will be hampered by that specific problem untill the next update.