View Full Version : Little suggestion (for devs)

02-01-12, 15:52
Hi all,

I use Vix on all my Vu's (solo and duo) and I'd first like to thank you for your work. Really good stuff. Here is my question (hope you understand because my english is not so good):

I have various bouquets. Let's take e.g. one Sky Uk bouquet. There I have BBC channels. As there are a lot of different regions, I didn't add them all to the bouquet. Now and then, I'd like to see all BBC channels. I press red button (All channels) and I get the list of all channels, but always starting from the top. Is it possible to immediately position the cursor on the channel which I was on (e.g. watching BBC1 London, then I want to see other BBCxxxx but not in my bouquet. Press red button for all channels and go immediately to the position of the current channel BBC1 London).

It's not much but sometimes it's a bit annoying to have to start everytime from the top of the list (e.g. want to switch to same channel but on different satellite). Gemini image on my old dreambox had that. Would it be possible to implement this feature in the Vix image (maybe as on option for those who don't want this)?

Kind regards