View Full Version : Setting up CCcams to work

02-01-12, 02:48
Hi i was wondering if anyone could give me some help getting CCCams working. I need sources for files required. If there is any off topic info please send it private. Or anyone who lives near to my area (Crewe Cheshire) Basically any good useful help.

I have read loads of things on the forum but still struggling.

I am using the Vix image on Vu plus duo. Tried VTi but went back to Vix which is what i am using now


02-01-12, 03:09

First you need to go to this thread http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?5921-Cams-for-ViX-Team-images where you will find all the Vix team image cams off site download the cam you want from there and then upload to /temp folder in the vix image and install via the blue button menu

Rob van der Does
02-01-12, 08:48
After installing the Cam the only thing you need to do is to create an empty file named "CCcam.cfg" located at "/etc", to insert your card and to start CCcam from the menu.

02-01-12, 10:21
Can I ask where you put BISS keys in cccam? I'm not asking for any keys just where do you put them. Do they go in the config file or somewhere else?

02-01-12, 10:36
We do not allow discussion with entering satellite keys etc.. to config files. We will allow discussion with using legit subscription cards with softcams providing it does not talk about card sharing.

Use google.