View Full Version : DBedit, DCC cannot connect to my VU+duo

01-01-12, 10:13
Since i have VIX 2.3 nstalled (not the 311 version) I cannot log-in on the box anymore with DBedit and DCC or filezilla.

However I can log in with telnet and use the samba mounts on my PC.
I tried to change the password on my box (which was succesfull) but no result. Except tha tI now have to use the new password.

The webif seems to work normally.


01-01-12, 10:21
Another User reported a similar problem on his new ET9200 running the 153 build image and 3.1.1 kernel, the solution was to change the port in OpedWebif as instructed in the following post.


Rob van der Does
01-01-12, 10:22
Since i have VIX 2.3 installed (not the 311 version) I cannot log-in on the box any more with DBedit and DCC or filezilla.
Hmm, all three working fine here, So I can't see where it goes wrong for you.

02-01-12, 10:49

Accidentily switched off FTP access when trying to save memory.
Switched it back on and everything worked again.
