View Full Version : ViX 2.3.153 frame skipping when upscaling

30-12-11, 14:42
I have big problems with image quality on ViX 2.3.153.

There is frame skipping when the program contains a lot of high resolution details, especially when the camera is panning. The problems get worse when recording while watching a recorded movie. I had small problems already on the first 2.3 release, but now with the latest update 153, it is terrible.

I had no image problems at all when running BlackHole 1.5.6, before I change to ViX 2.3.

I have the HDMI output of the Duo set to 1920x1080i50 and the problem occurs on channels with a resolution of 1280x720p50, which forces the Duo to upscale the image. I have not noticed any problems yet on full HD channels (but haven’t used 2.3.153 enough to be able to tell for sure).

The problem occurs when playing a recording that has to be upscaled, or when watching the channel directly. All image settings in the Duo are default. I am using CCCam 2.2.1.

ViX 2.3 obviously has problems with upscaling the image, problems that BlackHole doesn’t have. Do you think you can fix this, or do I have to change back to BlackHole again?

Rob van der Does
30-12-11, 16:10
Picture quality (and scaling) is only driver dependant, not image related.
I never experienced the kind of problems you described, not in any driver release.
Maybe something is wrong with your feeds?
Anyway: just wait a moment. We are about to release an update, containing the latest VU+ drivers. See if that makes any difference.

30-12-11, 19:15
I have big problems with image quality on ViX 2.3.153.

There is frame skipping when the program contains a lot of high resolution details, especially when the camera is panning. The problems get worse when recording while watching a recorded movie. I had small problems already on the first 2.3 release, but now with the latest update 153, it is terrible.

I had no image problems at all when running BlackHole 1.5.6, before I change to ViX 2.3.

I have the HDMI output of the Duo set to 1920x1080i50 and the problem occurs on channels with a resolution of 1280x720p50, which forces the Duo to upscale the image. I have not noticed any problems yet on full HD channels (but haven’t used 2.3.153 enough to be able to tell for sure).

The problem occurs when playing a recording that has to be upscaled, or when watching the channel directly. All image settings in the Duo are default. I am using CCCam 2.2.1.

ViX 2.3 obviously has problems with upscaling the image, problems that BlackHole doesn’t have. Do you think you can fix this, or do I have to change back to BlackHole again?

I have also noticed similar to the above ?? ill wait for the updates and see if it sorts it out for me.....:confused:

31-12-11, 16:28
My box is blinking now, indicating there is an update. Will wait a couple of days before updating so I can check on this forum that this update is not a mess-up like build 153, which caused my box not to boot.

Picture quality (and scaling) is only driver dependant, not image related.
Rob, I assume you mean chip drivers, but I don't think it is entirely true that picture quality is only dependent on these drivers. While recording or playing back, PQ must also be dependent on the operating system and it's drivers. I have a lot of frame skipping when playing back recordings that are also upscaled, something I never had with BlackHole, something I had a smaller problem with in the first 2.3 image, and something that got much worse with the 153 update to the latest Linux kernel. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I also think the chip drivers involved in upscaling the image are the same in the first 2.3 release and in the 153 build, where this problem became really bad.

I have noticed that the mount manager now says my file system is EXT4, i thought i had formatted the drive as EXT3. Strange! I have also noticed that the 15-20 sec delay I previously experienced when deleting a recording in the movie player (after pressing stop button and selecting delete from the pop-up menu) is almost gone now. So something is definitely different with reading/writing disc files. Might not the update to the latest Linux kernel somehow be the cause of the problem?

31-12-11, 16:39
I have big problems with image quality on ViX 2.3.153.

There is frame skipping when the program contains a lot of high resolution details, especially when the camera is panning. The problems get worse when recording while watching a recorded movie. I had small problems already on the first 2.3 release, but now with the latest update 153, it is terrible.

I had no image problems at all when running BlackHole 1.5.6, before I change to ViX 2.3.

I have the HDMI output of the Duo set to 1920x1080i50 and the problem occurs on channels with a resolution of 1280x720p50, which forces the Duo to upscale the image. I have not noticed any problems yet on full HD channels (but haven’t used 2.3.153 enough to be able to tell for sure).

The problem occurs when playing a recording that has to be upscaled, or when watching the channel directly. All image settings in the Duo are default. I am using CCCam 2.2.1.

ViX 2.3 obviously has problems with upscaling the image, problems that BlackHole doesn’t have. Do you think you can fix this, or do I have to change back to BlackHole again?

if you ask the same question on the black hole forum they will say the same thing, it is physically impossible to have better or worse picture quality on what ever image you use when those images both use the same hardware and hardware drivers / kernel etc. you can dabble with some settings such as sharpness or contrast but the picture quality it self is the same regardless of the image, so rather than blame the image look towards your own setup and user controlled settings.

also while were on the topic of drivers why not updata the image, as you said your using the 153 image which has the linux 3.1.1 kernel built in, why not do a update online to take the image to 161 with the inclusion of all the latest hardware drivers ?.

31-12-11, 16:42
if you ask the same question on the black hole forum they will say the same thing, it is physically impossible to have better or worse picture quality on what ever image you use when those images both use the same hardware and hardware drivers / kernel etc. you can dabble with some settings such as sharpness or contrast but the picture quality it self is the same regardless of the image, so rather than blame the image look towards your own setup and user controlled settings.

also while were on the topic of drivers why not updata the image, as you said your using the 153 image which has the linux 3.1.1 kernel built in, why not do a update online to take the image to 161 with the inclusion of all the latest hardware drivers ?.

in fact to backup my above statment here is a quote from the blackhole forum from MATRIX10

I have to look back on this statements abt image quality

No single image can have better or worse image quality
with the same driver.
So there is no image with better image quality.
All images use the same drivers if they are based on the same driver.
So it depends on the version of the image.
I do not see it on my TV
because the images use the same drivers and same hardware .
This discussion is as old as images and based on subjective opinion
rather than on realistic and technical basis.
The only difference may be in the Video Setup
and it is possible to tune in each image and the TV.

you can read it here if you wish.


obviously replace the stars with the forum url but you get the gist.

Rob van der Does
31-12-11, 17:04
Rob, I assume you mean chip drivers, but I don't think it is entirely true that picture quality is only dependent on these drivers.
Sorry mate, it is absolutely and 100% true.

While recording or playing back, PQ must also be dependent on the operating system and it's drivers.
Only drivers: OS does nothing with the picture at all.

Rob van der Does
31-12-11, 17:11
When you look at a diagram of the chipset, you will see that the video output comes directly from the chipset. The only thing the OS does, is to tell the chip what to decode.

31-12-11, 17:39
Hey Rob and pheonix, why don't you read what I have actually written? The problem is that I have frame skipping. When there is no skipping (which is most of the time), the PQ is no problem what so ever, and as far as i can tell exactly as good as when i used BlackHole. I think you guys are over reacting on the last line in my original posting, not taking in what this is really about.

Let me say it again. I have frame skipping when playing back movies. This gets worse when recording while playing back. I did not have these problems when i used BlackHole 1.6.5. Started to notice a little skipping as soon as i changed to first ViX 2.3 build. Frame skipping got much worse after update to build 153. These are the facts. I am not making this up. Why should I?

Rob, are you really trying to tell me that the OS and it's drivers are not involved when a recorded movie is played back from the HDD?

Yes, i will update to build 161 soon. Will the box boot after an online update this time, or do i have to do an USB update?

31-12-11, 18:04
Just an online update and reboot i installed it and have no problems at all at the moment

Rob van der Does
31-12-11, 18:11
Rob, are you really trying to tell me that the OS and it's drivers are not involved when a recorded movie is played back from the HDD?

Sorry: the OS has no drivers.
As I said before: the only thing the OS does is telling the chipset (= the chipset's drivers) what to do.

01-01-12, 17:35
Have now updated to build 161. It did not solve the problem. Terrible skipping when playing back from HDD. Approx 2 sec of skipping/frozen picture every 30 - 180 sec or so. Sound is OK and has always been.

I also have the problem with recordings not working properly. Starts to record but stops writing to the file after between 2 sec and 2 mins, but recording is still indicated by red blinking icon and light on front panel and in timers. I have seen that many others also have this problem.

Maybe you guys should have a look at how you test before you release updates.

01-01-12, 17:48
There arent any playback/recording issues here and i do playback on et9k, et5k and uno. It is more than likely an isolated issue as cant remember anyone else mentioning this issue. Has nothin to do with image coz if u think about it, pretty much a load of us who do a lot of playback of recordings would have been screaming for it to be fixed but thats not the case

01-01-12, 17:49
I can assure you that we have a very strict testing policy and we never release a image with problems such as this, we have in many Cases delayed a image release sometimes for months until we were happy to release. That said we can never be expected to catch every bug out there and occasionally some do creep through. I personally have not experienced any of the problems you are describing and my Duo is a early version with the 1.3 version main board. Nor can i recall a single mention of this by any of the team at any time.

I would suggest that you enable the debugging function on the box and the next time this happens reboot the box and upload the log that corresponds with that date and time here for us to look at.