View Full Version : Vu+ duo 2.3 image

29-12-11, 11:27
Hi all
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas
I have a vu+ duo running the latest vix and a 37' LCD lg tv running through a onkyo amp the image works fine but I seem to get a cropped display and I have always found this on vix images is this something I have to live with or can I just reset it myself if so then how? Also I find that a lot of channels from time to time appear to be in 4:3 I have all the settings on just scale and 1080i.

Now another question has any got dreambox live working at all if so how

Thanks everyone have a good new year

29-12-11, 23:13
unfortunatley some programmes such as old NCIS on C5, Simpsons on S1 have blackj bars down the side and nothing can be done about it.