View Full Version : WD My Passport 1TB External USB Hard Drive issue

25-12-11, 14:56
Hi folks,

I bought my dad an external USB drive to let him copy his music recordings off the Duo onto this USB hard drive. He was previously recording them onto a HDD recorder and then burning onto DVD, very time consuming and pointless..

Anyway, when I plugged this USB HDD into the Duo I wasn't able to move the recordings to the USB HDD via the recordings list "Green Button" as it kept popping up with the message "Cannot copy across due to the drive being read/only...". I then initialised the USB HDD via the Duo and now I can move the recordings fine and play them back fine.

The problem now is that when I plug the USB HDD into the laptop it cannot see the contents of the drive.

The question is what format should I have the USB HDD in order for the Vu Duo to be able to transfer recordings and also for Windows to be able to see the disk?


25-12-11, 15:07
it is probably NTFS format, you need to install NTFS-3G for writing to NTFS drives

opkg install ntfs-3g

25-12-11, 16:20
Cheers Andy,

I tried re-formatting the USB HDD as NTFS and running that command on the DUO but still getting the error "[Errno 30] Read-only file system: /media/sdc1/...." when trying to move the file to the USB HDD. I did a restart of the Duo also but no change..

Any other ideas??


25-12-11, 16:33
You might need to connect to pc and format to fat32

25-12-11, 16:37
Hi punisher,

I tried that but it seems to limit the size of the drive that is visible. I can't rem the exact size but it was very small..


25-12-11, 17:12
The entire 1TB partition was reduced? Ordid it create morethan 1 partition

25-12-11, 17:17
The entire partition was reduced. I will format it as fat32 again and report the size it limits the drive to!

25-12-11, 18:22
Hi folks,

I have reformatted the drive as FAT32 and the format details as as follows after a fresh format:

Capacity: 931 GB
Used: 748 GB
Free: 183 GB

I haven't transferred anything onto the disk as yet even though it states that 748 GB has been used. If I plug the USB HDD into the Duo it reports that the disk has "183 GB (19% Free)".

I think at least with NTFS the Duo can see the entire disk although it just can't move to it. If my dad had to use a PC then he simply wouldn't bother..

Anything else need to be installed like Andy suggested above?

Thanks again folks and I nearly forgot, merry Christmas!


25-12-11, 18:26
U formatted to fat32 on pc, stick it back in duo and then go to menu/setup/system/hdd and initialize the hdd an see what that does for ya

25-12-11, 18:32
Cheers punisher,

I did that previously but the drive is then not visible when I plugged it into the laptop although it worked perfectly on the Duo. The old fellow wants to be able to copy them onto the laptop the odd time so that is whay I want it to be visible on the Duo and Windows.

Another Christmas pressie that might be more hassle than it is worth..


25-12-11, 20:19
You have already bought the HDD but you could have browsed from the laptop to the boxes HDD an than dragged and dropped across to the laptop.

25-12-11, 20:28
I wanted a disk alright because he wanted somewhere to save his recordings permanently to but the odd time he wants to copy some of them to DVD on the laptop.

He was putting them all on DVD but this was just a crazy time consuming exercise and impossible to find anything..

If I could get this disk to be visible on windows and I'm able to move them from the Duo to this USB HDD then it'd be perfect for him.


25-12-11, 20:32
Dont know what OS you have but in windows click on computer and than on the left hand side of the screen scroll down to network and find the VU, double click and it should open with two files, one of which is the HDD and than its just a question of dragging and dropping.

25-12-11, 20:41
Ah yeah, I use FileZilla myself to
Transfer but my old man is not that handy so if I could just manage to be able to move files from the recordings list he could manage that..

If I have the USB HDD as FAT32 it works but limits the size of the disk!

I'm sure this should be possible?

25-12-11, 20:53
Have you tried using windows disk manager to see what state the disk is in and it is more advanced that the standard formatting from within my computer. Just do a search for windows disk manager from start menu

25-12-11, 21:03
windows disk manager to see what state the disk is in

Hi punisher,

What exactly am I to look for? The disk seems fine if I format it as NTFS and the full 931 GB is available. Also, if I initialise the disk on the Duo everything is perfect except Win7 can't view the contents.

Can the windows disk manager make more of the disk available if formatted as FAT32?

If the old man had to use windows or FileZilla to transfer to the laptop and then the USB HDD then he wouldn't use it..


25-12-11, 21:25
So if u leave it at ntfs, stick it i duo and set it to use as HDD in mount manager, are u able to do recordings? If u can then u have 2 ways of trying to transfer the recordings onto laptop or vice versa

1) u do a network browse on ur windows 7 pc an find vu duo and then add the HDD folder as a network map. This will add the vu duo hdd as a hard drive in my computer on ur windows pc, you can then drag and drop as if it was a hdd built into ur laptop.

2) you can unplug the hdd from duo, stick it in laptop, transfer files that way

The choice is urs

25-12-11, 22:07
Hi punisher,

I will try that later on, I had to go visiting!

Thanks for all the help..


25-12-11, 22:14
No problem mate. The options available to u are above, u just pick which one u want :p

26-12-11, 04:01
Hi folks,

Just an update on this...

I tried setting the USB HDD as "use as HDD" in mount manager but this simply unmounted my internal HDD in the Duo and I don't want this!

What I want to be able to do is have an internal HDD in the Duo as currently is but allow the external USB HDD to be plugged in and in the recordings file list menu to be able to use the green button to move the recording onto the external USB HDD from the internal HDD every now and again when my dad wants to save and keep some music video recordings.

The other side of this is the very odd time he would want to be able to plug the USB HDD into the laptop to copy some of the recordings from the USB HDD onto a DVD. This is only going to be on a rare occasion but he still wants this to be possible all the same.

Here is a screenshot of how the storage devices currently look on the Duo and you can see that the WD Passport USB HDD is only allowing read-only access and it's set as NTFS.

If I can get this drive not to be set as read-only then I reckon I can achieve what I am looking for. The setting up Windows7 for my Dad to copy onto the USB HDD is a no-go as he is pretty limited on the pc.

Anyone know how this can be achieved?


26-12-11, 12:48
change the mount point of the USB to HDD2.

As for connecting it to the laptop, you will (i think) need to format it as EXT3/4 but you can get software that will enable a PC to see a linux format. Hopefully Pooface or Silver will be able to confirm this when their on.

26-12-11, 13:08
change the mount point of the USB to HDD2.

As for connecting it to the laptop, you will (i think) need to format it as EXT3/4 but you can get software that will enable a PC to see a linux format. Hopefully Pooface or Silver will be able to confirm this when their on.

Try this here.


26-12-11, 14:11
Cheers lads,

I thought I was onto a winner there but still no joy.. Changing the mount to HDD2 still leaves the USB HDD as read only until I initialise it from the Duo and then it works fine.

I tried to download that ext2 file system for Windows as suggested by phoenix but it isn't compatible with Win7 I'm afraid.. Anyone know of a version for Win7? I have googled for it but every result that states it is Win7 compatible isn't.

I never realised that this would be such a tricky exercise lol..


27-12-11, 22:26
Hi folks,

I was doing some reading on that ntfs-3g update for linux and came across this post:


The problem is that when I modify the mount details for the USB HDD in the file /etc/fstab and change it to ntfs-3g when I reboot the Duo these details are reset.

Any way to stop this from happening?


28-12-11, 18:37
Hi there,

I finally came up with a solution for this problem, took me a while :confused:

Anyway, I fould a piece of software that allowed me to format the USB HDD to FAT32 and that wouldn't limit the available size of the disk.

Here is the link:


With the drive as FAT32 I can move files directly from the Duo over onto the USB HDD and also plug it into my laptop and browse the contents directly if required.

Hope this helps anyone else who might require this option.
