View Full Version : Remot Control help

25-07-10, 00:19
Hi, After using dreambox 500 for a long time, so pls bare with me if i ask a lot, ok, my question is
With the remote control is there a way to move with in the favorite immediately without having
the Chanel screen appears and having to move the arrow up and down and then pressing the ok
to get to that Chanel , mmmmmmmmm, dont know if i explained that right :confused:

25-07-10, 09:20
do you mean can you setup favourite lists ? then yes . other than that i dont understand what you are asking. if you can please explain a little better then i will try to help.


25-07-10, 09:46
I understand it as you want to go from, e.g. bbc1 to bbc2 without pressing the down button and then selecting ok...

In the dm500, the left and right arrows were the volume, and up/down changed channel. In these boxes, there is a seperate volume choice. So up/down opens the bouquets, and the left/right changes channel up and down (if that was a correct assumption of your queries?!)

25-07-10, 12:11
Thaaaaaaaaank your pooface, just what i wanted, exactly what i ment, mmmmmmm now if i can get this box to multi boot then bingo the
perfect box :)

25-07-10, 14:19
You can use the older dream elite image and multiboot older images. Can even do it with the newer images and use meoboot, but then there is stability issues. So personally, I wouldn't bother. Just create a backup of your current image, install new image, back it up and flash backed up images every time you want to go back to try a different image...

25-07-10, 15:48
mmmmmmmm, c i need multiboot for a different purpose, i have kids at home, and the image in the flash has many chanels removed, so i need an image on the usb which will include more chanels, so its
all worth it for me, its not about trying different images, and i have kids that ask dady why is this chanel blocked :eek:

25-07-10, 21:31
Stop being such a perv then :p ;)

25-07-10, 23:41
beware of the name, it might be blocked but still name can be read though :roflmao: