View Full Version : How to change default network name?

22-12-11, 19:56
Hi all,

I've done a search on here to what is probably a stupid question, but how can I change the default network name from VUSOLO?

If a use my PC and browse the network, I see VUSOLO, but the problem is, I have two and I just wanted to identify them apart.

Thanks in advance.


22-12-11, 20:51
I don't seem to have the ability to edit my own post, but I should have said that I am running the latest VIX image.

23-12-11, 02:03
ftpinto box and go to




and chaneg the contents and then restart

23-12-11, 08:22
Thanks Silverfox, I'll give that a go this evening when I get home from work.

Explains why I couldn't find it in the menus anyway. :)

24-12-11, 01:11
Thanks Silverfox, I'll give that a go this evening when I get home from work.

Explains why I couldn't find it in the menus anyway. :)

it is in the menus

go to setup/system/network/device manager/mount manager/change hostname

24-12-11, 08:56
That's interesting....I found that in the menus before posting here originally and it never updated on my network, even after a restart. Still showed as VUSOLO in my router and Network viewer, so I just assumed I'd misinterpreted it's meaning somehow.

I'll revisit that on my other box, but it's probably down to user error...I'm very new to the boxes.

Thanks again.

29-01-16, 16:38
Sorry to bump an old thread.. Im having the same issue on my duo2, changed the name, yet it still appears as vuduo2 on my device list on my router?

29-01-16, 18:32
Sorry to bump an old thread.. Im having the same issue on my duo2, changed the name, yet it still appears as vuduo2 on my device list on my router?

Try unplugging box from router and rebooting router. Plug back in.