View Full Version : How to scroll pages left and right in mediaplayer

20-12-11, 19:44
I would like to know if it could be possible to scroll pages left and right in mediaplayer.
In Pli this was possible when pressing left or right arrow button to go through pages in mediaplayer.
But here in VIX I only scroll up and down.

Thanks in advance to fix this in some update.


21-12-11, 12:42
I would like to know if it could be possible to scroll pages left and right in mediaplayer.
In Pli this was possible when pressing left or right arrow button to go through pages in mediaplayer.
But here in VIX I only scroll up and down.

Thanks in advance to fix this in some update.


i think it is set to channel up/down or < > can't remember

btw ryan not seen around for a while hope you are ok. not seen you on Skype

21-12-11, 14:09
I'd all so like to know if this is possible has channel + - does not work either

21-12-11, 18:13
so maybe you could update this one please.

btw Andy, I'm fine and I'm always on MSN but maybe the status is not shown OK since this new msn version, I hate the latest version, too complicated ;)

21-12-11, 19:51
so maybe you could update this one please.

btw Andy, I'm fine and I'm always on MSN but maybe the status is not shown OK since this new msn version, I hate the latest version, too complicated ;)

good to here, in on Skype: andyblac now, got sick of MSN.

just check it switches with 'Channel -' (minus) to playlist, and Channel + switches to FileList.

22-12-11, 09:56
Yes but I like to see that if I press the arrow buttons left or right it scrolls through the folder list.
All my music is sorted from A to Z so you can imagine that if you have to go to the middle of this folderlist you have to keep the arrow down button so long.
It should be better to have it the same as in Pli when you press right arrow it switches a whole page.
Is this possible?