View Full Version : Anyone 's other half have an opinion?

17-12-11, 22:32
Right, so I think I've decided on the ET9200 over the Vu+ Duo, and on Monday I will be contacting WOS to order (closed sunday I think).

Anyway, my biggest concern now, is how will my other half get on with it after being spoilt by the very well put together gui on sly (lets not argue, its good at what it does, just a bit limited).

Are your other halves getting on ok with it?

Mine really likes the simple remind me (green button), series link, and pretty much the whole simple to use feel.

Any comments to help me convince the missus?


17-12-11, 22:33
Good luck and may the force be with you.:D

17-12-11, 22:44
my wife, kids 11 and 9 can use the box with the VIX image no problem. EPG has been set up and everything is there at their finger tip.

She can also now swap locations so watch whats been recorded from one box on another.

Please dont take this the wrong way but any one with an ounce of intelligence and VIX image will have no problems. Series link is autotimer and it a colour button away.

17-12-11, 22:46
Forgot to add Andy has coded the autotimer that instead of recording, it will switch over to the right channel at the scheduled time. Not quite remind me but good job on a hobby box without millions of ££££ in investment.

17-12-11, 22:47
well no joke and i can make a video of this but my 4 year old daughter can flash my box her self she even knows when to press ok on the et9k

and yes its a piss easy image my misses can navigate it like the back of her hand

she has even found bugs for me in the past

ViX is a peice of cream PIE

17-12-11, 23:01
Thanks guys that was the sort of response I was hoping for!!

Now all I need to do is have a quick read up on how to install, and await delivery. I'm most looking forward to streaming to my TV in the bedroom, and streaming to my laptop when abroad. And have a look into streaming to my android tablet.

Thanks again for you help.

17-12-11, 23:06
Make sure you have a reasonably high upstream speed when chosing to stream othwerwise take a look at the Slingbox

17-12-11, 23:26
Ahh ok, I take it that the box streams the full def feed then? Shame, as much as I like the slingbox, I don't like the price for the mobile apps.

17-12-11, 23:35
You can place your order over the weekend and sponsor will ship on Monday. You can also try PM, using the below link as he does lurk on the board.


18-12-11, 00:02
That would be great, but I have spoken and need to make a few tweaks to the advertised package. So will wait till monday, plus I would prefer to receive on Wednesday as not around on other days.

Thanks for the help though!!! :thumbsup: