View Full Version : CIFS mount impossible on VIX 2.3

14-12-11, 15:37
On VIX 2.1 :
i can mount the hard disk of my box as guest user (freebox, french box with NAS of 250 GB).

On VIX 2.2.1 OR 2.3 :
i can't mount the same disk with same parameters ! it says that the mount is done, but the disk is not mounted on the interface.
Also not detectec when i go to see all my hard disks.

What can i do ? Is it a known bug ?

Thank you

14-12-11, 16:35
I have same problem,can not choice shared derictory in recording settings.

14-12-11, 18:04
See screenshot for settings.

14-12-11, 18:10
Yes, i complted like this. I first run a network discovery, then i saw what you is on the image you've posted.
It also asked me to enter login/password parameters, what i did.

I say you, it works on 2.1 and not on 2.3 !
Can you try with guest user ? with password guest, or empty password, ... (i tried).

14-12-11, 18:26
Yes, i complted like this. I first run a network discovery, then i saw what you is on the image you've posted.
It also asked me to enter login/password parameters, what i did.

I say you, it works on 2.1 and not on 2.3 !
Can you try with guest user ? with password guest, or empty password, ... (i tried).

when asked to enter a password simply select no, this is how i mount my NAS between my Duo and Uno using ViX 2.3.

15-12-11, 13:45
See screenshot for settings.

I show my mistake,local share name and server share name are another.
Now I can record tv on my pc hard drive.

16-12-11, 15:27
when asked to enter a password simply select no, this is how i mount my NAS between my Duo and Uno using ViX 2.3.

I tried with non when the clarke asked me to enter a couple login/password.
I can't still mount my NAS :-(

22-12-11, 00:29
Nobody can help me please ? Even with root/password access, it doesn't work :(

22-12-11, 00:37
when you mount a CIFS

do not add a username or password in the passwords section as bellow


you will be asked the moment you press ok on a CIF location to add username/password say NO

then from there you will see this screen


then add yr username and password as per this screen above including all ip and folder names

once done it will say mount point created

as a double measure click mount again and restart the box

your mount will be seen

sometimes if its not see then you will need to create a folder on box

accourding to my screenshot above the folder i am using is Recordings

so i will FTP to receiver and navigate to media/net

and create folder Recordings

again restart box

and all should be seen

15-01-12, 14:19
I have done the above but my box is still not showing my mounted drive?

15-01-12, 14:59
have you tried NFS

since upgrading my QNAP to Synology

i have noticed CIFS is not supported and can only mount via NFS

make sure NFS privalages is

17-01-12, 08:09
I will give that a try

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

18-01-12, 15:43
My NAS does't offer NFS service :( Juste cifs

19-01-12, 01:05
I had the same problems when setting my nas drive up, i could see it but i couldnt use it the problem was the actual settings in my nas box not set the right sharing privilages once i did that the little x disappered off the mount in mount manager and then i could change the settings to use the nas drive as the hard drive, so dbl check the settings in your nas box and make sure you have sett all the rights so the xtrend can access it.

19-01-12, 07:59
Nfs does not work for me either, I do have the red cross on the drive but can access it via windows

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

19-01-12, 23:57
Badboy yes i could access mine with windows as well no problem but not with the xtrent, like i said even if you set the rights on your nas box to full access to every one then see if you can get in to it then, if so then play with your nas box settings till your happy


20-01-12, 08:13
Badboy yes i could access mine with windows as well no problem but not with the xtrent, like i said even if you set the rights on your nas box to full access to every one then see if you can get in to it then, if so then play with your nas box settings till your happy


I am not using a nas, I am trying to connect to my server shared drive. I have set it up for full read write.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

20-01-12, 12:25
If you are using windows try this:

1. create a new folder on PC - call it 'vu'
2. create administrative user on PC - to keep things simple call the user 'vu' and the password 'vu'
3. share the folder : properties --> sharing --> advanced sharing --> make sure 'share this folder' is checked and click permissions --> make sure everybody has full control

Then on your Vu+ box

1. menu > setup > system > Network > Mount Manager
2. Add a new network mount point
3. Active - yes
local share name - nas,
mount type - CIFS share
server IP - (enter PC IP here)
server share - /vu
username - vu
password - vu

If you can then mount the share on the VU this test shows that you have incorrect settings on your Windows machine for the other shares you tried to set up

20-01-12, 16:51
My shared drives are on a ubuntu server and I am able to mount them from my windows PC so I know that the setting are correct as I resolved them to get it to work with windows.

20-01-12, 17:36
My shared drives are on a ubuntu server and I am able to mount them from my windows PC so I know that the setting are correct as I resolved them to get it to work with windows.

The instructions I gave were for people trying to mount a windows share to the VU

31-01-12, 14:28
nothing new about this crazy bug ?

18-01-13, 19:03
@ ablyes, did you ever solve your problem connecting to the Freebox NAS 250GB ?
I am trying to do the same but after days of trying everything (I think) suggested in the forum cannot connect
I am on VIX 3.0 build 562, have NFS and SAMBA running, can FTP using Filezilla, can access also from laptop, AV, Disc player,internal and external IP but cannot configure my Ultimo to see it.
I can see the FREEBOX on Network Browser but unable to mount using CIFS share, with or without password and the mount will not accept NFS.

I have obviously missed something so any feedback from you or help from other members would be much appreciated to protect my sanity http://www.world-of-satellite.com/images/smilies/mad2.gif

Kind regards,

Rob van der Does
18-01-13, 19:05
@ ablyes, did you ever solve your problem connecting to the Freebox NAS 250GB ?
I am trying to do the same but after days of trying everything (I think) suggested in the forum cannot connect
I am on VIX 3.0 build 562, have NFS and SAMBA running, can FTP using Filezilla, can access also from laptop, AV, Disc player,internal and external IP but cannot configure my Ultimo to see it.
I can see the FREEBOX on Network Browser but unable to mount using CIFS share, with or without password and the mount will not accept NFS.

I have obviously missed something so any feedback from you or help from other members would be much appreciated to protect my sanity http://www.world-of-satellite.com/images/smilies/mad2.gif

Please, create your own thread in the ViX-section: this has nothing to do with the OP.

18-01-13, 20:36
Oops my apologies, correct NAS but incorrect image
Only excuse is my confused state