View Full Version : Pluguin error message

22-07-10, 14:30
When I do various things on my Duo, it keeps coming up with the following error message

Some plugins are not available
SystemPlugins/Frontprocessor Upgrade (error 12)
Cannot allocate memory
Haven't got a clue what Frontprocessor Upgrade does, but reloaded it and rebooted. Still keeps coming up.

I've got memory free

Total 141332
used 133416
Free 7916

Just done a few experiments before posting.

If I press Menu/Plugins/Download Plugins, wait for the plugin list to come up on the screen, then press the exit button, I get that message.

However, I have an unused swapfile on my external HD, I've just tried the following.

Telnetted in

swapon /media/hddext/swapfile
Message no longer appears

swapoff /media/hddext/swapfile
message appears

I've turned it off and on 3 times to confirm this. Without the swapfile it appears, with it it doesn't.

Yet if I type free, the swapfile shows 0 used.

if I type

cat /proc/meminfo
that too shows it's not used.

Only thing I can think of is that it's being used for just a split second?

Haven't got very many plugins installed at all, only 1 skin and no picons at present, so not sure why I'm running out of space? Have only the plugins listed in my other

http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?1377-On-screen-display-not-working-properly&p=8199&viewfull=1#post8199 (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?1377-On-screen-display-not-working-properly)

except I no longer have CCcaminfo plus I now have the DVDplayer (but it did this before I installed it)

Rob van der Does
22-07-10, 18:04
When I do various things on my Duo, it keeps coming up with the following error message

Haven't got a clue what Frontprocessor Upgrade does, but reloaded it and rebooted. Still keeps coming up. You probably have an "old" box, and not upgraded it. If so, this warning is quite normal (no memory can be allocated to a non present frontprocessor). After some time (for some reason) this warning is not presented any more.

22-07-10, 18:07
Maybe it' a bug in the latest PLI release as it's a new box (latest batch) and yesterdays PLI.

I presume I can remove this extension then?

22-07-10, 20:09
You probably have an "old" box, and not upgraded it. If so, this warning is quite normal (no memory can be allocated to a non present frontprocessor). After some time (for some reason) this warning is not presented any more.

By "old box", how old do you mean?

Would be interesting to know... Is this the same as the batch of boxes that can't do the record from deep standby?! Or is this a different "new box" set?

Would be good to know whether we can tell by serial number etc :) Cheers

22-07-10, 20:13
Mine works fine from deep standby, only received it on 7th July

SN starts MA042500

Haven't seen the error message before, only since I put the latest PLI on

23-07-10, 11:02
I'm sure this is an error when accessing the OpenPLi addons feed. Seen their admin's mention it on their forums before. Some of the online updates fix it and bring it back. Sure its nothing to worry about.