View Full Version : Multiboot

11-12-11, 16:24
I would like to try the other pictures, but I do not want to redo all the work configuration of the image and the plugin to install .......

There is the possibility of installing a plugin like Barry Allen or MeoBoot?

11-12-11, 16:29
ViX has never supported multiboot plugins such as barry allen and to be fair if you go into blue button / vix / image manager. you can make a full working backup exactly as the box is currently running now. you can flash the backup back to the box in under 5 minutes and be running again without having to configure any thing in the image once re-flashed.

11-12-11, 16:33
ViX has never supported multiboot plugins such as barry allen and to be fair if you go into blue button / vix / image manager. you can make a full working backup exactly as the box is currently running now. you can flash the backup back to the box in under 5 minutes and be running again without having to configure any thing in the image once re-flashed.

THE COPY OBTAINED is identical to the original?

11-12-11, 16:34
yes if you make a backup with the ViX image manager it creates a exact backup of the system as it is running now, with all plugins and settings etc.