View Full Version : static ip question

21-07-10, 14:20
Hi guys im wondering if someone can put me right on this .

my query is what do i assign the static ip to ??? ive got a modem , into a belkin router , then the vu duo hard wired to the router , plus another pc hard wired and a laptop running wireless off the router ,

my question is do i put the static ip on the router or vu+ box or all ? im new to this and would appreciate any help.



21-07-10, 14:47
Hey mate...

Static IP will be assigned to your VU Duo.

For instance....your routers IP will be something like 192.168.1.x (x would almost always be 1 by default)

Hence the static IP you set for the Vu Duo would be 192.168.1.y (y is any number between 2 and 254)

Your name servers and gateway will be 192.168.1.x (Basically your routers address)

Hope that helps.

21-07-10, 14:53
hey bob thanks for the quick reply , ive had that set already like that but i must be doing something wrong . as in cccam when i test it it says im offline , ive forwarded my port ok , what do i set my dns to and where do i get that from and where do i set that up ???

21-07-10, 15:45
What I did was use DHCP, hence whenever I load a new image, the network just works. But set my router up to always assign the VUduo the same address.

It's a Netgear, but Belkin will have something similar, I turned the VUduo on, it connected to my router automatically via DHPC

On my router, I looked at attached devices, and made a note of the VUduos mac address (as I couldn't find it in any of the VUduos menus).

Then, under LAN setup, there is an address reservation section.

I simply picked an address (as bob described) , entered it along with the mac address.

Now every time my vuduo boots, as the mac address is hardware, doesn't matter how many new images I try out, it always has the same ip address.

With regards to CCcam, I use CCcamInfoPHP_V0.8.2. However, if no one is sharing to me, it shows up as CCcam server is offline (or something like that).

A major mistake I made when setting up my CCcam.cfg file is that while I had set up port forwarding on my router, I didn't notice the bit in the file that said

################################################## ####################
# Other config settings #
################################################## ####################
# server shall listen on this port pro incoming connections
# default port is 12000, disable server with parm -s or set port 0
As soon as I uncommented that like (removed the # from the beginning) and put in my correct port (made up port 20000 for this example), people could access me fine.

################################################## ####################
# Other config settings #
################################################## ####################
# server shall listen on this port pro incoming connections
# default port is 12000, disable server with parm -s or set port 0

21-07-10, 16:40
Hey mate...

Static IP will be assigned to your VU Duo.

For instance....your routers IP will be something like 192.168.1.x (x would almost always be 1 by default)

Hence the static IP you set for the Vu Duo would be 192.168.1.y (y is any number between 2 and 254)

Your name servers and gateway will be 192.168.1.x (Basically your routers address)

Hope that helps.

Just uncheck the DHCP on network setup and put the ip you want and save it.

21-07-10, 20:18
Best thing to do is as ojustabu said... But to get that to work (at least on the netgears), you need to ensure that you have the ip you are trying to assign within the dhcp range. Otherwise, you get a "ip address out of range" error message (or something to that effect. Plus, if you assign an ip manually which is part of the dhcp range, then you will probably get some errors if the dhcp server assigns the ip you gave to another machine whilst the vu duo is switched off... So you're best to either:

a) Set up a fixed ip manually which is outside the range of the dhcp server
b) Set up a dynamic ip and give it an ip reservation in the router
c) Set up a fixed ip manually and give it an ip reservation in the router

Any of these 3 options wil work to give you an ip address which is fixed.

As for the dynamic address question, use something like dyndns or no-ip, and configure an inadyn client in the vu duo...